0286/2018 - Social movement of women with hiv/aids: An experience between posithive citizenRio de Janeiro.
Movimento social de mulheres com hiv/aids: Uma experiência entre cidadãs posithivas do Rio de Janeiro.


• Luciana Corrêa de Sena Cajado - Cajado, LCS - <cajadoluciana@gmail.com>


• Simone Monteiro - Monteiro, S - <monteiro.simone.fiocruz@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2009-1790


The organized civil society has a historical role in the social responses to AIDS and in the global health governance. This article analyzes the biography of women with HIV/AIDS, members of the National Movement of Posithivas Citizens (MNCP), a national network of HIV positive women. It used qualitative approach with notes about the actions of the MNCP in Rio de Janeiro and individual interviews with eight members of the MNCP about their motivations and experiences in the movement. Most of the interviewees were older than 50 and was diagnosed in the 1990s. During their life trajectory, they have experienced social and gender inequalities. The entry into MNCP resultedthe need for post-diagnosis support and poor reception in health services. The movement contributed to the reconstruction of social identity, access to information on care and social support. According to the findings, the actions of the movement do not prioritize the feminist movement\'s agenda and do not face AIDS-related stigma and HIV vulnerability. Faced with the current global and national context of the increase in biomedical interventions in AIDS policies and the reduction of resources for the social movement, the study fosters reflections on the challenges of organized civil society in local social responses to the AIDS epidemic.


HIV/AIDS; gender; social movement; social support


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Cajado, LCS, Monteiro, S. Social movement of women with hiv/aids: An experience between posithive citizenRio de Janeiro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jun). [Citado em 19/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/social-movement-of-women-with-hivaids-an-experience-between-posithive-citizenrio-de-janeiro/16819?id=16819&id=16819

