0765/2008 - Social representation of nursing mother eating
Representações sociais sobre alimentação da nutriz
• Emanuele Souza Marques - MARQUES, E.S. - MG - Universidade Federal de Viçosa - <emanuelesm@gmail.com>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8633-7290
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ABSTRACTThis is a qualitative study about the meaning of adequate nurturing or eating habits related to prohibitions, agreements and lactogogos matters in breastfeeding attributed by women. It was based on a social representation theory described by Moscovici (2003) and Minayo (2006). As participants of the study there were 58 mothers of children up to 2 years old living in Coimbra, a city of Minas Gerais state. A comprehensive analysis of feeding showed that to the interviewed new mothers there was need of a special diet during postpartum based on a healthy, strong and lactic food, besides more fluid. Regarding to nursing woman diet, it must be avoided hot, creamy and fatty food. In this perspective to think of feeding during this physiological phase of woman implies to know some cultural, social and historical aspects which interfere in the eating habits. Thus it becomes the understanding of new mothers habits and beliefs possible in order to give an adequate professional assistance to the group REPLACEed on its context.
Keywords: Breastfeeding; Postpartum; Eating habit; Anthropology of feeding; Social representation.