0250/2013 - Sociodemographic and nutritional characteristics of Brazilian children under 2 years beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs in 2006.
Características sociodemográficas e nutricionais de crianças brasileiras menores de 2 anos beneficiárias de programas de transferência condicionada de renda em 2006.


• Juliana Bergamo Vega - Vega, J.B. - São Paulo, SP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo -Departamento de Pediatria - <jvbergamo@hotmail.com>


• José Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo Taddei - TADDEI, J.A.A.C - Universidade Federal de São Paulo- Departamento de Pediatria - < taddei.dped@epm.br>
• Ana Paula Poblacion - Poblacion, A.P. - Universidade Federal de São Paulo -Departamento de Pediatria - <anapoblacio@yahoo.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente


The conditional cash transfer programs (PTCR) have as goals to combat poverty, hunger and to ensure food security. Children under two of beneficiary families are more vulnerable to environmental conditions. This study aims to describe the population according to socioeconomic, demographic and nutritional characteristics. We analyzed secondary data from a cross-sectional survey named National Survey on Demography and Health of Woman and Children (PNDS-2006). Data was described in means and standard deviations. Associations were described with chi-square test and confidence interval of 95%. From 1735 children, 29.4% were PCTR beneficiaries with average family income of R$430.20 and average benefits of R$75. Among those living in the Northeast or in the rural area of the country, one in each three received benefits. Among those living in severe food insecurity 52.3% were PTCR beneficiaries. Children from D and E socioeconomic classes and from mothers with education less than four years were associated with PTCR. Among the nutritional disorders of child beneficiaries, overweight for age prevailed. Of those with exclusive breastfeeding duration lower than two months, 31.2% were beneficiaries.The necessity of nutritional education was identified in order to optimize the use of benefit.


Public Policies Poverty Food security Nutrition Assessment


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Vega, J.B., TADDEI, J.A.A.C, Poblacion, A.P.. Sociodemographic and nutritional characteristics of Brazilian children under 2 years beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs in 2006.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/sociodemographic-and-nutritional-characteristics-of-brazilian-children-under-2-years-beneficiaries-of-conditional-cash-transfer-programs-in-2006/13417?id=13417

