0094/2018 - Sociology of health textbooks and narratives: historical significance.
Importância histórica dos manuais de sociologia da saúde e suas narrativas.


• Everardo Duarte Nunes - Everardo, D.N - Campinas - <evernunes@uol.com.br> +
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2285-7473


This article takes as starting point two central ideas: textbooks as a mean of production and dissemination of knowledge and narrative as an approach for researching. After a brief review of some studies on medical / health sociology textbooks , eleven textbooks produced in the 1900-2012 period in the United States and England were judged representative, and they ed for further study . In addition to a content analysis, these textbooks are located inside the process of constitution of medical / health sociology field and brief references to the biography of the authors are presented. The textbooks were classified according to the main narrative features: doctor-centered (Blackwell, 1902 and Warbasse, 1909); interdisciplinarity (Simmons and Wolff, 1954); teaching (Susser and Watson, 1962; Bloom, 1963; Mechanic, 1968); analytical (Coe, 1970 and Cockerham, 1998); quasi-autobiographical (Fox, 1989); critical (Annandale, 1998), synthetic-reflective (Bradby, 2012). Some perspectives of textbooks, limits and possibilities are presented in the final considerations.


manual, narrative, medical sociology, health sociology, content analysis


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Everardo, D.N. Sociology of health textbooks and narratives: historical significance.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/sociology-of-health-textbooks-and-narratives-historical-significance/16627?id=16627&id=16627

