0171/2018 - Sus 30 Anos: O Início, A Caminhada E o Rumo.


• Nelson Rodrigues dos Santos - Santos, Nelson R. - <nelsonrs@fcm.unicamp.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8607-3339


In this text, we refer to the solid and historical civilizational roots of the SUS that give it permanence, as well as systematizing data and analysis, which point, in parallel to the construction of SUS, the construction of another public health policy that has subverted the principles and guidelines of the Federal Constitution of 1988: a real, implicit and hegemonic policy. In relation to SUS, we identify and reinforce explicit advances and resistances with its principles and guidelines, but still counter-hegemonic after 30 years, but with invaluable accumulation in management, evaluation, knowledge construction, appropriate technologies, resistance strategies and politicization in defense of the constitutional directives, and therefore, unstoppable for the resumption of the civilization course of 1988. In the last chapter Isuggest some solutions that go beyond the area of health


SUS; health system; public/private relationship.


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