0126/2021 - The Butantan Institute and the Brazilian AntiCOVID Vaccine
O Instituto Butantan e a Vacina Brasileira AntiCOVID


• Reinaldo Guimarães - Guimarães, R. - <reinaldo.guimaraes47@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0138-9594


The text explores the theme of Brazilian sufficiency in vaccines. It presents the ways practiced in the two most important Brazilian institutions in the development and production of vaccines – the Butantan Institute and the Institute of Technology in Immunobiologicals (Bio-Manguinhos). These paths are the pure and simple purchase, the purchase of the product with technology transfer commitment, partnerships that include the fulfillment of phase 3 trials by the buyer, the new path announced by Instituto Butantan in which the partnership includes for the realization of trials in phases 1 and 2 and, finally, the invention, development and local vaccine production. The latter is only mentioned as a possibility currently not achieved. Finally, the text presents data on the chances of success in vaccine development.


Vaccines; Technological Development; Industry; Public Health


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