0288/2022 - The consumerism of health misinformation: the abject objects of desire.
O consumismo da desinformação em saúde: os abjetos objetos do desejo.


• Paulo Roberto Vasconcellos-Silva - Vasconcellos-Silva, PR - <bioeticaunirio@yahoo.com.br; p.vasconcellos@unirio.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4646-3580


The challenge of analyzing the infodemic distortion and the avid consumption of Fake News is linked to the complexity of the production, dissemination and contamination of the social imaginary. There are scholarly discussions around imprecise terms to name a wide variety of communicative situations in the Mediosphere. The modalities of uninformative situations and gaps in the conceptual framework unfold into indeterminacy, although little attention has been devoted to the reception of messages. What is intended to be highlighted in this essay refers to the technological and cultural circumstanceswhich the production and uncontrollable consumption of lies thrives, often justified under different purposes. The centrality of mass deception is highlighted as an aggression to politics and public health in a socio-cultural context in which the addiction to excitement has become structuring. Analytical toolsChristoph Tücker\'s Philosophy of Arousal will be used to understand the phenomenon of the uninterrupted production of stimuli and imagery artifacts that incite addiction in narratives of deception and interactions without relationality. It is concluded that in the context of the current “Media Age”, new modalities of ideology and alienation are involved in consumption cycles. It is concluded that the needs of group identity generate speeches without dialogue and deterioration of communicative processeswhich the power of conviction prevails over the factual.


Health communication; Social media and health; Internet and health; Misinformation; Excited society


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Vasconcellos-Silva, PR. The consumerism of health misinformation: the abject objects of desire.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/Oct). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-consumerism-of-health-misinformation-the-abject-objects-of-desire/18544?id=18544&id=18544

