1365/2012 - The crisis of institutionalized participation in health: the social representations of local councilors about the social control in the SUS
A crise da participação institucionalizada em saúde: as representações sociais dos conselheiros municipais acerca do controle social em saúde no SUS


• Helena Eri Shimizu - Shimizu, H.E. - Brasília - Universidade de Brasília - <shimizu@unb.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5612-5695


• Marcio Florentino Pereira - Pereira M.F. - Universidade de Brasília - <MFP@unb.br>
• Antonio José Costa Cardoso - Cardoso, A.J.C. - Universidade de Brasília - <antoniojccardoso@gmail.com>
• Ximena Pamela Claudia Dias Bermudez - Bermudez, X.P.C.D. - Universidade de Brasília - <Ximena@unb.br>

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


This study aims at analyzing the social representations of local health counselors on health social control. Sixty interviews were conducted with counselors of nineteen counties within the Integrated Federal District Region and Surroundings (RIDE-DF). The analysis was done with the use of the sofware Analyse Lexical Context d ‘of Segments of a Essemble Texte (Alceste), which included two thematic groups, the first dealing with the weaknesses of health councils, consisting of four categories: limitations on the power of decision, bureaucratization of everyday practices of councils, limitations in the practice of representation and difficulties of social representation on health boards; and the second dealing with the health system in RIDE-DF, consisting of only one category that expresses the poor organization of health care in RIDE-DF. Social representation of social control, with a focus on social participation seems to be constrained by a ritual - bureaucratization of council’s politics and practices. This form of organization and council operation, hierarchical and bureaucratic, anchored at centralizing management models, have moved the counselors away from discussing health needs facing the construction of collective Health Projects.


Health Councils Social Control Participative Management Democracy


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Shimizu, H.E., Pereira M.F., Cardoso, A.J.C., Bermudez, X.P.C.D.. The crisis of institutionalized participation in health: the social representations of local councilors about the social control in the SUS. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/Nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-crisis-of-institutionalized-participation-in-health-the-social-representations-of-local-councilors-about-the-social-control-in-the-sus/11739?id=11739&id=11739

