0309/2024 - The intersectionality of gender, race and social class in the life trajectories of women who attempted suicide
A interseccionalidade de gênero, raça e classe social nas trajetórias de vida de mulheres que tentaram suicídio


• Jéssica Pereira Manelli - Manelli, J.P - <jessica.manelli@unesp.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0258-886X


• Dinair Ferreira Machado - Machado, D.F - <dinair.machado@unesp.br; asdinamachado@yahoo.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3006-7110


Objective: To analyze the suicide attempts of women under the intersectionality of gender, race and social class. Methods: This is a qualitative study along the lines of a topical life story, carried out with 7 (seven) women who reported experiences of suicide during their lives. Data collection occurred through individual interviews, supported by a questionnaire for sociodemographic characterization and a semi-structured script. Results: The full analysis of the interviews revealed four categories of thematic analysis: 1) Subsistence trajectories and development of the expression of social inequality; 2) Childhood and adolescence marked by violence in the family context; 3) The sexual division of labor and gender inequality as fruits of patriarchy; 4) The difficulty in ethnic-racial self-affirmation as an outcome of racism and a mechanism of social invisibility. The interdependence of the axes of oppression was verified: gender, race and social class in the life trajectory of women who saw suicide as a feasible strategy to end the suffering caused by the social structure. Conclusion: This study revealed that suicide attempts in women must be approachedthe perspective of macrosocial intersectionality, breaking with individualistic and biologizing perspectives.


Suicide attempts; Intersectionality; Social Structure.


The intersectionality of gender, race and social class in the life trajectories of women who attempted suicide

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Manelli, J.P, Machado, D.F. The intersectionality of gender, race and social class in the life trajectories of women who attempted suicide. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/Aug). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-intersectionality-of-gender-race-and-social-class-in-the-life-trajectories-of-women-who-attempted-suicide/19357?id=19357&id=19357

