0243/2023 - The Mata Cavalo quilombo/Brazil and the Covid-19 syndemic: racism and the right to (r)exist in question
O quilombo Mata Cavalo/Brasil e a sindemia da Covid-19: o racismo e o direito de (r)existir em questão


• Kleber Gonçalves Madureira - Madureira, K.G - <kleber_2_goncalvez@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6114-6631


• Reni Barsaglini - Barsaglini, R. - <barsaglinireni@gmail.com> +
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8903-2695


Quilombola communities have felt the effects of racism deepened by covid-19, whose repercussions are amplified in contexts of racial inequalities, characterizing it as a syndemic. The term refers to the synergy of biological, economic, environmental, political and social elements that enhance coexisting conditions and states, impacting life and affecting health. We analyze the repercussions of the covid-19 syndemic based on the perceptions of quilombola community leaders in Mato Grosso/Brazil. In a qualitative study, we interviewed three leaders in May/2022, using a semi-structured script and treating the data through thematic analysis. The covid-19 syndemic highlighted the structural precariousness the lack of roads, basic sanitation, barriers to access to health and guarantee of rights in rural areas, densely inhabited by black bodies. Isolation, deaths, fears had psychosocial repercussions, but lack of attention to mental health. Anti-racist proposals call for: repairing precariousness by recognizing the State\'s debt to the black population; valuing experiences, way of life, cosmovision, Afro-centered ancestral civilizational values. Finally, strengthen, reaffirm and implement anti-racist actions such as the Statute of Racial Equality and the PNSIPN in all possible spaces, policies and institutions


Quilombolas; Covid-19; Syndemic; Iniquities; Racism


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Madureira, K.G, Barsaglini, R.. The Mata Cavalo quilombo/Brazil and the Covid-19 syndemic: racism and the right to (r)exist in question. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/Aug). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-mata-cavalo-quilombobrazil-and-the-covid19-syndemic-racism-and-the-right-to-rexist-in-question/18869?id=18869&id=18869

