0356/2006 - The Musictherapy on the Parkinson Disease
A Musicoterapia na Doença de Parkinson


• Beltrina Côrte - Côrte, B. - São Paulo, SP - PUC-SP - <beltrina@uol.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


Abstract: This study is a result of a research in the qualitative approach, in the Gerontology and Musictherapy scenario. It was analyzed the importance of alternative practices like playing an instrument (piano, violin…), singing, or practicing a guided musical exercise as a therapy activity for old people with Parkinson Disease. The analysis, the systematization and the interpretation of the data pointed: musictherapy is an excellent way to improve the life of the patient that becomes more sociable, decreasing physical and psychological symptoms (‘symptomatology’) and the change of the subject for a singular and own position in the relation with your disease and with the people around.
Key words: Musictherapy; Parkinson Disease; Gerontology.


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