1448/2013 - The place of the subject in the field of health: lessons from qualitative inquiry
El lugar del sujeto en el campo de la salud: enseñanzas de la investigación cualitativa


• Carolina Martínez-Salgado - Martinez-Salgado, C. - Villa Quietud, México, - Universidad Autônoma Metropolitana (campus Xochimilco), Mexico - <cmartine@correo.xoc.uam.mx>

Thematic Area:

Ciências Sociais


This article raises some questions regarding the exclusion of the subjectivity derived from the ideals of objectivity and neutrality that characterize modern scientific paradigm. Several consequences of this exclusion with regard to health building and care of illness are considered. Five problematic knots are discussed, emphasizing on the contributions of qualitative inquiry for the recovery of subject’s place: 1) health and disease as subjective experiences, 2) the gap between the experts’ perspective and that of those who are not, 3) disagreements among health professionals and common people, both in the preventive field and in the curative, 4) the omission of the patients’ voice when dealing with their illness, and 5) the sterilization of subjective creativity to imagine new routes to health building. The paper concludes by pointing that, despite the challenges involved, certain currents of qualitative research whose foundations are located in the most advanced pole of the epistemological, ethical and aesthetic reflection nowadays, can help to open new routes towards richer alternatives for health building and care of illness in modern Latinamerican societies.


Qualitative inquiry Critical perspective Health attention Subjectivity


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Martinez-Salgado, C.. The place of the subject in the field of health: lessons from qualitative inquiry. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Aug). [Citado em 07/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-place-of-the-subject-in-the-field-of-health-lessons-from-qualitative-inquiry/13853?id=13853

