0024/2018 - The Program More Doctors In Mato Grosso State: The implementation analysis.
O Programa Mais Médicos no Estado de Mato Grosso: Uma análise de implementação.


• Reinaldo Gaspar da Mota - Mota, RG - <dr.reinaldomota@gmail.com>


• Nelson Filice Barros - Barros, NF - <nelfel@uol.com.br>


Although 224 professionals hired by the Project More Doctors in Brazil (PMMB) to strengthen the National Primary Care Policy (BANP) of 104 municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso, have found significant problems in relation to the work process, important advances in the health of populations served by Program More Doctors-PMM. This article analyzes the implementation and development of PMMB in Mato Grosso-MT, between 2013 to 2015. Were analyzed primary datafocus groups and interviews with social actors involved institutions and secondary data reportssupervisors, tutors, managers and institutions that make up the State Commission of PMMB (CCE). Despite the difficulties in implementing policy management the results show that the experience was positive as it provides greater access to users, shows the ways to strengthen primary care. We conclude that it is necessary to broaden the academic discussion related to the provision and medical training, care model, training of human resources for continuing education through the teaching-service-community integration.


Program-more-doctors; attention-basic; project-more-doctors-to-the-Brazil; policy-of-health.


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Mota, RG, Barros, NF. The Program More Doctors In Mato Grosso State: The implementation analysis.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jan). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-program-more-doctors-in-mato-grosso-state-the-implementation-analysis/16557

