0695/2008 - The reality of the buccal health of the aged in the Brazilian Southeast
A realidade da saúde bucal do idoso no sudeste brasileiro
• Denise Maciel Carvalho - CARVALHO, DM. - Uberaba, Minas Gerais - Universidade de Uberaba - <denise.carvalho@uniube.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
This work had as objective to describe the alterations revealed in the decurrent buccal structures of the aging and to verify, through the national scientific production, with emphasis in the Southeastern region, the prevalent buccal problems in the aged ones. The thematic aging in the context of the odontologia was carried through a literature revision approaching. The results had pointed that the aged population is the population segment that more grows. The prevalent buccal problems in this etária band are the carieses radiculares and the periodontal illness, that contribute for the great majority of the dental extrations. In the Southeastern region of Brazil, the use of prótese low when is compared with the high tax of edentulismo and the percentage of aged partially indented; the value of index CPOD is high and the aged ones present a positive perception on its teeth, although the buccal problems to have negative impact in its lives. It is concluded that the incorporation of the surgeon-dentist in the team of health of the institutions and the systematization of the practical ones of buccal hygiene is real necessities, beyond the necessity of a continued work of orientation for the care of the buccal health of the aged one. The magnifying of the study in this area is also basic.Key words: Aging, Dentistry, senior, buccal health