0358/2023 - The Social Representations of Covid-19 by users of Primary Health Care services in context of the pandemic
As Representações Sociais da Covid-19 dos usuários dos serviços da Atenção Primária no contexto da Pandemia


• Helena Eri Shimizu - Shimizu, H. E. - <shimizu@unb.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5612-5695


• Yuri Sá Oliveira Sousa - Sousa, Y.S.O. - <yuri.sousa@ufba.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8713-5543
• Thémis Apostolidis - Apostolidis, T. - <themistoklis.apostolidis@univ-amu.fr>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3549-5547


The study aimed to identify and analyze the Social Representations of SUS primary care users in the Federal District regarding Covid-19 in the context of the Pandemic. A qualitative study based on the Theory of Social Representations (SRT) analyzed 1713 interviews with users by Iramuteq software. The Descending Hierarchical Classification (CHD) procedure distributed 85.79% of the sets of words associated with Covid-19 into five lexical classes. The main representations of the Covid-19 pandemic for PHC users in the DF are fear and death. The lack of coordination of the health system, which required governance by the state, made it difficult for people to receive care in a timely manner. The historically excluded social segments, particularly the black and brown/mixed (pardas) population, and economically vulnerable, experienced more forcefully several losses, including those of lives. Overcoming the conflict between an austere and minimal State, as prevailed at the time of the pandemic, and the urgent need to build a solidary health system, in a society with great socioeconomic differences, remains at the center of the Intervention Bioethics debate the need to move forward in ensuring health in the post pandemic Covid-19 period, as a value and human right.


Covid-19, Pandemic, Social Representations, Bioethics


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Shimizu, H. E., Sousa, Y.S.O., Apostolidis, T.. The Social Representations of Covid-19 by users of Primary Health Care services in context of the pandemic. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/Nov). [Citado em 03/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-social-representations-of-covid19-by-users-of-primary-health-care-services-in-context-of-the-pandemic/18984?id=18984

