0461/2017 - “Tihik quando bebe Kaxmuk não tem pai, nem mãe, nem irmão”: Percepções sociais das consequências do uso da cachaça no povo indígena Maxakali/MG/Brasil.


• Roberto Carlos de Oliveira - Oliveira, RC - <robertocarlosde@gmail.com>


• Belinda F Nicolau - Nicolau, BF - <belinda.f.nicolau@mcgill.ca>
• Alissa Levine - Levine, A - <alissa.levine@mcgill.ca>
• Ana Valéria Machado Mendonça - Mendonça, A.V.M. - <valeriamendonca@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1879-5433
• Victoria Videira - Videira, V - <vicvideira@gmail.com>
• Andréa Maria Duarte Vargas - Vargas, A.M.D - <posgrad@odonto.ufmg.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4371-9862
• Efigenia Ferreira e Ferreira - Ferreira, E.F. - <efigenia@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0665-211X


This study explores one of the most interesting and least studied issues in Brazil: the consequences of complex and contradictory experiences by replacing the traditional drinks by cachaça, introduced through interethnic contact. Given the rarity of the study of Maxakali alcohol consumption in research, this study aims to understand,the native’s point of view, the negative aftereffect of alcohol consumption. Although anthropological studies emphasize functions of traditional and contemporary drinking as social \"lubricants\", social perceptions of the Maxakali highlight the problems of cachaça bought through interethnic contact. Symbols and meanings of these consequences were interpreted through their daily life histories, recorded by 21 leaders in focus group. Through the interethnic contact, some adaptations have occurred in the Maxakali alcohol use, with negative consequences for those who drink, their families, their villages and their community. In the world-of-life, these changes these changes can be seen through accidents, insults, marital disharmony, neglects, violent behavior, illness and death. This study’s findings highlight the importance of producing comprehensive and in-depth knowledge in search of to identify vulnerable groups and to develop participatory solutions.


South-Amerian Indians, Alcoholic Beverages, Social Problems, Qualitative Research


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Oliveira, RC, Nicolau, BF, Levine, A, Mendonça, A.V.M., Videira, V, Vargas, A.M.D, Ferreira, E.F.. “Tihik quando bebe Kaxmuk não tem pai, nem mãe, nem irmão”: Percepções sociais das consequências do uso da cachaça no povo indígena Maxakali/MG/Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/tihik-quando-bebe-kaxmuk-nao-tem-pai-nem-mae-nem-irmao-percepcoes-sociais-das-consequencias-do-uso-da-cachaca-no-povo-indigena-maxakalimgbrasil/16514?id=16514&id=16514

