0059/2015 - Tobacco and poverty in brazil: a profile analysis tobacco consumer population from pof 2008-2009.
Tabagismo e pobreza no brasil: uma análise do perfil da população tabagista a partir da pof 2008-2009.


• Angelita Bazotti - Bazotti, Angelita - Curitiba, Paraná - IPARDES, Pesquisa - <angelitabazotti@gmail.com>


• Paulo Dabdab Waquil - Waquil, Paulo Dabdab - Uiverisdade Federal do Rio Grande do SUl - UFRGS, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Rural - PGDR - <waquil@ufrgs.br>
• Marco Tulio Aniceto França - França, Marco Tulio Aniceto - PUCRS, Economia - <marco.franca@pucrs.br>
• Irio Luiz Conti - Conti, Irio Luiz - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SUl - UFRGS, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Rural - PGDR - <irio@ifibe.edu.br>
• Manuela Finokiet - Finokiet, Manuela - UFRGS, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Rural - PGDR - <manuela.finokiet@iffarroupilha.edu.br>

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


This paper aims to characterize the Brazilian population who spent money with tobacco products. POF dataset was used from IBGE of the years 2008 and2009. The same definition that IBGE usually use for tobacco consumer was applied, which is someone has spent money with any kind of tobacco products and its derivatives. It was used individual aspects taking into account such as gender, schooling, age (over 14 years old), income lines, regions and ethnics to characterize these populations. Descriptive statistics were employed to estimate the results and the complex sample design of the survey was considered. According to our results, on average, 10% of the Brazilian population have spent money with tobacco products. Besides, these people are older, earn low salaries and have less schooling than someone who does not consume tobacco. Moreover, for this population 1.5% of the family budget is spent on tobacco products. Last but not least, the most of tobacco consumers are men. In general, money which is spent on tobacco products can cause impressive effects on domestic budget because this value could supply other important necessities to the family. Although there are many monitoring and prevention strategies to avoid tobacco consume, deep knowledge about this population that actually consume these products can increase the efficacy of more specific policies.


Tobacco Brazilian Population Health Expenses


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Bazotti, Angelita, Waquil, Paulo Dabdab, França, Marco Tulio Aniceto, Conti, Irio Luiz, Finokiet, Manuela. Tobacco and poverty in brazil: a profile analysis tobacco consumer population from pof 2008-2009.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/May). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/tobacco-and-poverty-in-brazil-a-profile-analysis-tobacco-consumer-population-from-pof-20082009/15125?id=15125&id=15125

