0451/2009 - Tobacco in the media: Analysis of news materials in 2006
Tabaco na mídia: Análise de matérias jornalísticas no ano de 2006
• Alex Eustaquio de Lacerda - Lacerda, A.E. - São Paulo, São Paulo - UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <alexminasepm@gmail.com>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Introduction: Aiming at understanding the relation among health, press and public policies on Tobacco in Brazil, this article analyses the texts about Tobacco published in the Brazilian press in 2006. Methods: In the clipping process of eight newspapers and magazines, the texts about Tobacco were identified and then submitted to content analysis allowing categorization and classification of texts. The frequency of the texts in 2006 was compared to that of 2000 and 2003. Results: We observed a higher prevalence of factual approach among the texts (46.7%). Most of the texts mentioned the negative consequences, such as physical health problems (44.2%), death (20%) and dependence (14.2%). The analysis of the headlines and lead-ins showed control policies, anti-smoking movements and spreading of results as the main categories observed. The frequency of the articles in 2006 was similar to that of 2003 and lower to that of 2000. Conclusions: The journalistic coverage on Tobacco in 2006 was restricted predominantly to harm to health and anti-smoking movements. The high proportion of the factual approach and the stabilization in the frequency of texts (2003-2006) might suggest an impoverishment of the discussion on this issue in the country.Key words: tobacco, press, health policies, content analysis