0002/2014 - Tools to evaluate the primary health care: Literature review and meta-synthesis.
Instrumentos de avaliação da atenção primária à saúde: Revisão de literatura e metassíntese.


• Fabiana Zequine Nabão - Zequine, Nabão Fabiana - UNIP - Enfermagem - <fabianarodrigueszequini@gmail.com> +


• Ana Claúdia Correa de Almeida - Almeida, Ana Claudia Correia - Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo – EEUSP - <mferpg@usp.br>
• Verusca Kelly Cappellini - Capellini, Verusca Kelly - Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo – EEUSP - < mferpg@usp.br>
• Maria Fernanda Pereira Gomes - Gomes, Maria Fernada pereira - Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo - <mferpg@usp.br>
• Mariana Souza Santos - Santos, mariana Souza - Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo – EEUSP - <mferpg@usp.br>
• Lislaine Aparecida Fracolli - Facolli, Aparecida Lisboa - Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo - <mferpg@usp.br>

Thematic Area:

Avaliação de Serviços de Saúde


It is a qualitative literature review followed by a meta-synthesis which aimed to identify the tools that have been used to evaluate the Primary Health Care (PHC) in the national and international databases. 3048 results have been found in Portuguese, Spanish and English, which were published1979 to 2013. 33articles / studies were ed after a thorough reading and analysis. Among them, 08 studies were about validated tools that evaluate the PHC, such as follows: WHO Primary Care Evaluation Tool (PCET); ADHD Questionnaire for Primary Care Providers (AQ-PCP) and General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ), PACOTAPS (App for Primary Health Care); and PCATools (Primary Care Assessment Tool). It´s been observed that most of the tools have been used internationally. PCATools and EUROPEP have been the ones used in Brazil to evaluate the PHC, however PCATools prevail. The results have shown that the application of a research tool whose aim is evaluating the PHC may provide assistance for the creation of new proposals that may contribute to the qualification of the Family Healthcare and PCATool is the one closest to this proposal.


Health EvaluationPrimary Health CarePublic Health


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Zequine, Nabão Fabiana , Almeida, Ana Claudia Correia , Capellini, Verusca Kelly, Gomes, Maria Fernada pereira , Santos, mariana Souza, Facolli, Aparecida Lisboa. Tools to evaluate the primary health care: Literature review and meta-synthesis.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2014/May). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/tools-to-evaluate-the-primary-health-care-literature-review-and-metasynthesis/14984?id=14984

