1068/2009 - Transgenics - Plants Producing Drugs
Transgênicos Plantas Produtoras de Fármacos


• Daniele Rachidi A da Rocha - Rachidi,D. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ - <danielerachidi@yahoo.com.br>

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Plants Producing Drugs – PPD represent the 4th wave of genetically modified, in this case the technology is employed to develop and produce vaccines and/or pharmaceuticals in genetically modified seeds.
This technology, like all scientific innovations, comes with risks. These risks, where the available knowledge does not allow any, even, firm conclusions about the nature of risk, its significance and likelihood of causing serious damage.
The Precautionary Principle should be the basis prior to any implementation of techno-scientific innovations, the parameters must be evaluated and precautions should be taken, research conducted in a detailed and wide-ranging as the potential risks of innovation.
This article will be reviewing the applicability of this new technology, risk management and containment in order to guarantee safe use, handling, trade to humans.
Key words: GMO, technology, PPD, containment


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