0806/2011 - Trend of maternal and child health and birth weight in Pernambuco State in 1997 and 2006
Evolução da assistência materno-infantil e do peso ao nascer no Estado de Pernambuco em 1997 e 2006
• Gisele Almeida de Noronha - Noronha, G.A. - Recife, PE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - <giselenoronha@gmail.com>Co-author(s):
• Marília de Carvalho Lima - Lima, M.C. - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - <mlima@ufpe.br>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4993-2584
• Pedro Israel Cabral de Lira - Lira, P. I. C. - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - <lirapicpe@gmail.com; lirapic@ufpe.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1534-1620
• Ana Amélia Corrêa de Araújo Veras - Veras, A.A.C.A. - Prefeitura Municipal do Recife - <anaveras.pe@hotmail.com>
• Fabiana Cristina Lima da Silva Pastich Gonçalves - Gonçalves, F.C.L.S.P. - Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social e Direitos Humanos - <fabiana_pastich@yahoo.com.br>
• Malaquias Batista Filho - Batista Filho, M. - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira - IMIP - <mbatista@imip.org.br>
Thematic Area:
Saúde da Criança e do AdolescenteAbstract:
Objective: to assess the trend and influence of maternal and child care on birth weight variation in the state of Pernambuco.Methods: This study used data from two cross sectional population based household surveys conducted with under-five children in the state of Pernambuco in 1997 (n=1906) and 2006 (n=1555). The sample was calculated to ensure the representativeness of two geo-economics strata: urban and rural areas. The studied variables were prenatal, delivery care and birth weight. The x2 test was used to compare the categorical variables and mean difference of birth weight was calculated between the studied years with the respective 95% confidence interval.
Results: It was found an improvement of prenatal care and increase in the frequency of caesarean section. In the rural area there was a 112g decrease in mean birth weight. In 2006 the access to at least one prenatal care attendance occurred independently of maternal schooling, however, in 1997 and 2006 the access to adequate prenatal care was higher between mothers of better schooling.
Conclusions: In spite of the improvement of prenatal and delivery cares, the iniquitous access, the excess of medical interventions and the increase of newborn survival may be influencing the variations in mean birth weight in the State of Pernambuco.