0354/2018 - Uma abordagem sobre o suicídio de adolescentes e jovens no Brasil


• José Mendes Ribeiro - Ribeiro, J.M. - Rio de Janeiro - <ribeirojm@globo.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0182-395X


• Marcelo Rasga Moreira - Moreira, M.R. - rio de janeiro, RJ - <rasgamoreira@gmail.com>
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3356-7153


This article analyses in an essay suicide among young people in Brazil according to Durkheim classical approaches renewed in present debate about integrated social networks. It develops argument over the evolution of suicide mortality rates since classical premises in public health about social causality related to morbid processes. It updates international statistics, data review of national studies and Brazilian recent series demonstrating to age, sex and social groups. Linear and non-linear trends are highlighted as complex social system paths. Updated data were prospected in National Mortality Information System of Health Ministry and World Health Organization database. This is a policy analysis study a conceptual outline is built according to theory and updated to understand contemporary problems and to analyse relevant data referring to vulnerable groups to be targeted with inclusive and comprehensive policies. Results of this analysis reveal the high importance of teen and young people as vulnerable to suicide in a growing, sustained and high impact.


Durkheim; Suicide: Youth


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