0084/2018 - Use and management of the water resources and expansion of agribusiness: water for what and who?
Gestão e uso dos recursos hídricos e a expansão do agronegócio: água para quê e para quem?


• Marcelo José Monteiro Ferreira - Ferreira, M.J.M - <marceloferreira@ufc.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5187-4195


• Mário Martins Viana Júnior - Júnior, MMV - <mario_ufc@hotmail.com>
• Andrezza Graziella Veríssimo Pontes - PONTES, A.G.V. - Mossoró, RN - <andrezzagazi@hotmail.com>
• Raquel Maria Rigotto - Rigotto, RM - <raquelrigotto@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7460-3221
• Diego Gadelha - Gadelha, D. - <diegogadelha@ifce.edu.br>


The article analyze the correlation between agribusiness expansion and the water resource’s use and management, besides the reflections of environment and human contamination, pointing to the SUS’ challenges on tracking pesticides in the water for human consumption. It´s qualitative research, the chosen methodological approach was the result of a case of study in an expansive agribusiness area in Ceará’s semiarid. The results shows that there’s a unbalanced relation in the management and use of the water, upon prioritizes the water’s access to agribusiness in Ceará over a massive part of the countryside population. In consequence, the contamination by pesticides in superficial and deep waters brings challenges to the supervisors of pesticide’s control in water for human consumption. In this sense, the article presents alternative forms on how to provide the health services in an effective performance of the health supervisors in a general way and in the Vigiagua specifically, as in: the edge of a fragmented look and the interventions on healthy issues; the human exposition to multiple pesticides; the insufficient number of labs and professionals able to deal with this problem; the massive disclosure of these information to the water’s users.


Environmental Pollution; Agribusiness; Agrochemicals; Public Health Surveillance; Environmental Health.


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Ferreira, M.J.M, Júnior, MMV, PONTES, A.G.V., Rigotto, RM, Gadelha, D.. Use and management of the water resources and expansion of agribusiness: water for what and who?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/use-and-management-of-the-water-resources-and-expansion-of-agribusiness-water-for-what-and-who/16617

