0858/2013 - User’s rights and participation: the “Comitê Cidadão” (Citizen Committee) as a co-management strategy in a participative research in the Mental Health field
Direitos dos usuários e participação: o Comitê Cidadão como estratégia cogestiva em uma pesquisa participativa no campo da saúde mental


• Eduardo Passos - Passos, E. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Universidade Federal Fluminense - <e.passos@superig.com.br>


• Thais Mikie de Carvalho Otanari - thais.carvalho.otanari@gmail.com - Universidade de Montreal - <Carvalho Otanari, T.M.>
• Bruno Emerich - - Emerich, B. - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - <brunoemerich@yahoo.com.br>
• Lorena Guerini - Guerini, L. - Universidade Federal Fluminense - <lorenaguerini@hotmail.com>>

Thematic Area:

Saúde Mental


Patients’ rights is a central issue in mental health’s contemporary debate. Drawing from the experiences of “Comitê Cidadão” (Citizen Committee), we aim at discussing the effects of the co-management of drug use on these subjects. This Committee, involving patients and their family members, was created within the context of a cooperative agreement between Brazil and Canada resulting from the participative research “Gestão autônoma da medicação (GAM)” (Autonomous administration of medication). Based on the analyses of the interviews with patients and their family members we problematize the relation between scientific knowledge and patients’ knowledge in a methodological approach of participative research. Our conclusive remarks point to a gain in autonmomy and empowerment by the patients, who are then more able to act as subjects with rights.


patients rights empowerment autonomy participative research


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Passos, E., thais.carvalho.otanari@gmail.com, Emerich, B. , Guerini, L.. User’s rights and participation: the “Comitê Cidadão” (Citizen Committee) as a co-management strategy in a participative research in the Mental Health field. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Jun). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/users-rights-and-participation-the-comitecirc-cidadatildeo-citizen-committee-as-a-comanagement-strategy-in-a-participative-research-in-the-mental-health-field/13155?id=13155

