0108/2016 - Uso de drogas na prisão: Estratégias de redução de danos.
Drug use in prisons: Strategies of harm reduction.


• Laurent Michel - Michel, Laurent - <laurentnmichel@gmail.com>

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The existence of risky practices related to drug use inside prisons is a reality every and represents a major issue for the whole community. The level of implementation of the harm reduction (HR) measures recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is most often poor and express the limited concern regarding the public health issues related to the prison environment, without respect of the principle of equivalence for prevention and health assistance with the community. In 2009, the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) developed a comprehensive research program focusing on prevention of infectious risk in prison setting. Different steps including i) an inventory of HR measures ii) a qualitative survey on the reality of risky practices iii) an assessment of the social acceptability of HR measures and iv) an intervention trial showing the feasibility of upgrading the existing HR strategies, were defined and scheduled. Progressive implementation of this program shows it is feasible but requires in France tenacity, simple long-term objectives, supporta scientific society, pedagogic interventions for all stakeholders and constant discussions with authorities. Implementation of this program to other countries is easy to manage.


Prisondrug useharm reductionrecommendationsFrance


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