0052/2021 - Vaccines: From Public Health to Big Business
Vacinas: Da Saúde Pública ao Big Business


• Reinaldo Guimarães - Guimarães, R. - <reinaldo.guimaraes47@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0138-9594


The text presents and discusses the main aspects related to the current dynamics of the vaccine industry in the world and in Brazil, focusing on the demand created by the pandemic of COVID-19. At the global level, it briefly exposes the place currently occupied by Brazil within the scope of the BRICS and sets out and analyzes the options - identities and differences - of industrial policy in Brazil, China and India in the field of vaccines. Next, it analyzes the displacement of the vaccine industry,a situation of exclusive production of immunizers to a majority control by the large pharmaceutical industry. Further on, it recovers recent fundamental aspects of the vaccine industry in Brazil, with an emphasis on Biomanguinhos / Fiocruz and the Butantan Institute. Finally, it discusses the successes and limitations of the technology transfer mechanism used by the two institutions, as well as the relevance of their historically assumed commitment to public health policies.


Vaccines; industrial policy, patents, BRICS


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