0081/2018 - Validity of the factorial structure of the Brazilian version scale of the Food Choice Questionnaire.
Validade da estrutura fatorial da escala de versão brasileira do Food Choice Questionnaire.


• Sara Franco Diniz Heitor - Heitor, Sara Franco Diniz - FRUTAL, Minas Gerais - <sarafdh42@hotmail.com>


• Michael Eduardo Reichenheim - Reichenheim, M.E - <michaelreichenheim@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7232-6745
• Julia Elba de Souza Ferreira - Ferreira, Julia Elba de Souza - <jesferreira@globo.com>
• Sybelle de Souza Castro - Castro, S.S - <sybelle@mednet.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0005-7555


This study examines the dimensional structure and reliability of the 36-item Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) Brazilian Portuguese version, an instrument used to measure the importance of motives conducive to food choices. The sample includes 502 adults. Confirmatory factorial analyzes (CFA) were used to evaluate the instrument’s configural (dimensionality) and metric (magnitude of factorial loads, residual correlations and factorial discriminatory validity) structures. Internal consistency evaluation used the Omega coefficient (W); temporal reproducibility used the Kappa coefficient with quadratic weighting (k) in a separate sample of 41 subjects. The final CFA corroborates a 9-factor original structure and shows high factorial loadings (li > 0,80 in 34 items); two residual correlations (r(i2-i3) = 0,773 e r(i16‑i17) = 0,853); and factorial correlations indicating factor-based discriminant validity (f < 0,80). Regarding reliability, there is adequate internal consistency (W = 0.877 to 0.968), and good test-retest reproducibility indicating temporal stability (k = 0.768 to 0.917). It is concluded that the FCQ version has good configurable and metrics properties, and may be recommended for use in Brazil in its present form.


Validation Studies. Cross-Cultural Comparison. Questionnaires. Food Preferences. Feeding Behavior.


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Heitor, Sara Franco Diniz, Reichenheim, M.E, Ferreira, Julia Elba de Souza, Castro, S.S. Validity of the factorial structure of the Brazilian version scale of the Food Choice Questionnaire.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 07/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/validity-of-the-factorial-structure-of-the-brazilian-version-scale-of-the-food-choice-questionnaire/16614?id=16614&id=16614

