1217/2013 - Violence against children and adolescents with disabilities: narratives with council members
Violência contra crianças e adolescentes com deficiência: narrativas com conselheiros tutelares


• Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira - Moreira, M. C. N. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - IFF/Fiocruz - <moreira@iff.fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7199-3797


• Waldir da Silva Souza - Souza, Waldir da Silva - UERJ - <walss@terra.com.br>
• Rachel Niskier Sanchez - Sanchez, Rachel Niskier - IFF/FIOCRUZ - <rachel@iff.fiocruz.br>
• Liliana Cabral Bastos - Bastos, Liliana Cabral - PUC/RJ - <lilianacbastos@gmail.com>
• Ana Helena Rotta Soares - Soares, Ana Helena Rotta - IFF/FIOCRUZ - <kikarotta@hotmail.com>
• Olga Maria Bastos - Olga Maria Bastos - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - IFF/FIOCRUZ - <olgab@iff.fiocruz.br>

Thematic Area:

Ciências Sociais


the article is based on Thompson`s in-depth hermeneutics on produced meanings from narrative analysis of 15 council members with the objective of interpreting meanings being a Counselor and ensuring the rights of children and adolescents with disabilities. We conclude that certain generic discourses on the guaranteed rights of children and adolescents are presented as an inflexible core which reinforces the invisibility of the population and makes it more vulnerable. At the other extreme the generic category of "special" yields to the difficulties of the Counselor in seeking strategies at institutional networks (health, leisure, education) for ensuring the rights and needs of this segment and their families, observed when failing to differentiate between the various categories of disabilities. Finally, the acquisition of knowledge by some counselors, related to this clientele depends greatly on the proximity of these counselors to health institutions that contribute in formulating strategies for the guarantee rights and formation of networks. The vulnerability of situations counselors are exposed when relating between the mandate to respond to the violations suffered by the juvenile segment, and impotence subsequent are highlighted.


council members narrative analysis violence against children and adolescents disability


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Moreira, M. C. N., Souza, Waldir da Silva, Sanchez, Rachel Niskier, Bastos, Liliana Cabral, Soares, Ana Helena Rotta, Olga Maria Bastos. Violence against children and adolescents with disabilities: narratives with council members. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2014/Jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/violence-against-children-and-adolescents-with-disabilities-narratives-with-council-members/14942?id=14942&id=14942

