0064/2018 - Vulnerability and associated factors in the elderly served by the Family Health Strategy.
Vulnerabilidade e fatores associados em idosos atendidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família.


• Juliana Fernandes Cabral - Cabral, JF - <ju_fcabral@hotmail.com>


• Ageo Mário Cândido da Silva - Silva, A.M.C. - <ageoms@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5293-9413
• Inês Echenique Mattos - Mattos, Inês Echenique - <iemattos@ensp.fiocruz.br>
• Ádila de Queiroz Neves - Neves, AQ - <adilaneves@hotmail.com>
• Laércio Lima Luz - Luz LL - <laercioll@hotmail.com>
• Daniele Bittencourt Ferreira - Ferreira,Daniele Bittencourt - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - <danibittfer@hotmail.com>
• Lívia Maria Santiago - Santiago LM - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - <liviamsantiago@gmail.com>
• Cleber Nascimento do Carmo - Do Carmo, Cleber Nascimento - <cleber.carmo@ensp.fiocruz.br>


The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of vulnerability and associated factors in the elderly served by the Family Health Strategies of the municipality of Várzea Grande - MT. A cross-sectional study was performed with 377 elderly. The dependent variable, vulnerability, was investigated through The Vulnerable Elders Survey. The independent variables were the sociodemographic variables and the health conditions evaluated through the validated instruments: Mini Mental State Exam, Katz Scale, Lawton Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale and Reduced Nutrition Minorization. A descriptive analysis of the categorical and numerical variables was performed, bivariate analysis calculating the Prevalence Ratios using the Mantel Haenszel χ2 test and multiple analysis using Poisson regression. 49% of the elderly are vulnerable, and the higher prevalence of vulnerability was associated with AIVD dependence (PR = 4.43), depressive symptoms (PR = 1.34) and aged 80 and over (PR = 1.34). The prevalence of vulnerability found in the present study was high when compared to other studies carried out with the elderly in the community; the VES-13 was an easy-to-apply tool in primary health care and very practical in the screening of vulnerable elderly.


Aging; Vulnerable Populations; Elderly.


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Cabral, JF, Silva, A.M.C., Mattos, Inês Echenique, Neves, AQ, Luz LL, Ferreira,Daniele Bittencourt, Santiago LM, Do Carmo, Cleber Nascimento. Vulnerability and associated factors in the elderly served by the Family Health Strategy.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/vulnerability-and-associated-factors-in-the-elderly-served-by-the-family-health-strategy/16597?id=16597

