0423/2012 - What doctors do not talk about: trance and ecstasy at the scene of childbirth? Experiences and perceptions dissidents’ health and welfare in contemporary
Daquilo que os médicos quase não falam: transe e êxtase na cena de parto. Experiências e percepções dissidentes de saúde e de bem-estar na contemporaneidade


• Rosamaria Carneiro - Carneiro, Rosamaria - Campinas, SP - IFCH-Unicamp - <rosagiatti@yahoo.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Saúde e Gênero


For groups of women devotees of other ways of giving birth than cesarean section and technocratic model of the hospital, the pain of labor seems to operate in another record, not the disorder and something to be avoided. Willing to "feel the birth," seem to meet the contractions, and the lack of emotions, giving way to perceptions of health that would be crossed by sexuality and spirituality, by notions of ecstasy and trance. Therefore, we intend to explore whether and in what ways these experiences and perceptions have dislodged the medical practice of biopolitics, thematizing, for both, their impressions and attitudes in light of the logic of the intensities and affects, new modes of subjectivity and possibility of other moralities, not more hysteria and the fragility of women‘s bodies.


parturition representations feminility body


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Carneiro, Rosamaria. What doctors do not talk about: trance and ecstasy at the scene of childbirth? Experiences and perceptions dissidents’ health and welfare in contemporary. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/Sep). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/what-doctors-do-not-talk-about-trance-and-ecstasy-at-the-scene-of-childbirth-experiences-and-perceptions-dissidents-health-and-welfare-in-contemporary/11264?id=11264

