0156/2013 - Who educates queer: The prospect of an analytical queer to the health education porcess
Quem educa queer:a perspetctiva de uma analitica queer aos processos de educação em saúde


• Jose Inacio Jardim Motta - Motta, J.I.J - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ - <inacio@ensp.fiocruz.br>

Thematic Area:

Saúde e Gênero


This theoretical essay aims to reflect the possibilities of a queer analytical processes of education in the health field. Points out that the development of the national health care system, with its new set of health practices have revealed challenges that go through broadening the scope of knowledge that are necessary to the proposed new arrangements, as well as a revival of the notion of subject. Here we take the queer perspective to understand how identities and in particular gender and sexuality are naturalized, in a social and cultural process, and how it can determine in the micros social spaces, educational practices to strengthen the power of subordination of calls minority sexualities. Queer theory framed in so-called post-critical theories of education is analyzed from the categories: power, resistance, transgression in the context of standardization and subjectivity. It is assumed that processes health education, anchored in a queer pedagogy, working in terms of difference and not diversity, proposing processes of deconstruction of binaries such as nature / culture, reason / passion, homosexual / heterosexual, walking in shaping cultural and social subjects more resistant and more transgressors in their way of being in life.


queer theory gendre and sexuality health education


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Motta, J.I.J. Who educates queer: The prospect of an analytical queer to the health education porcess. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/May). [Citado em 07/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/who-educates-queer-the-prospect-of-an-analytical-queer-to-the-health-education-porcess/12862?id=12862

