0119/2012 - Why is relevant the environment adoption and acculturation when aiming to develop qualitative research for services of drug abuse?
Porque é relevante a ambientação e a aculturação visando pesquisas qualitativas em serviços para dependência química?


• DIONE VIÉGAS ALMEIDA RIBEIRO - Ribeiro, D.V.A. - Campinas, SP - UNICAMP - <dioneribeiro@hotmail.com>


• Egberto Ribeiro Turato - Turato, ER - Unicamp - <erturato@uol.com.br>
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7857-1482
• Renata Cruz Soares de Azevedo - Azevedo, R.C.S. - Unicamp - <azevedo.renata@uol.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Saúde Mental


This study, performed at the Outpatient Service of psychoactive Substances, in the University General Hospital, aims to report an experience of entering the field as facilitating factors to study chemical dependent patients‘ life experience seen in a specialized university service. These observations emerged from the researcher‘s experiences in the environment adoption and acculturation period, it means, through the researcher REPLACEion in the outpatient service, during the preliminary data collection for a qualitative research. This experience was considered important because it allowed to understanding better the psycho-cultural universe of the population served and how the relation professional-patient is given, expanding the knowledge of the field where it was later performed the search. From this initial entry in field, it was possible to define more clearly the subject-matter and the population being studied, adapting to the needs and the observed reality in that service, as well as to think about the research method (clinical-qualitative) that’d serve to better understand the issues raised, and even draw up a roadmap for future interviews of the study. Concepts of environment adoption and acculturation were discussed and it was concluded that it is useful to indicate that time preliminary stage as usual in new studies using the same methodology in clinical settings.


Acculturation Substance-Related Disorders Qualitative Research


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Ribeiro, D.V.A., Turato, ER, Azevedo, R.C.S.. Why is relevant the environment adoption and acculturation when aiming to develop qualitative research for services of drug abuse?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/May). [Citado em 07/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/why-is-relevant-the-environment-adoption-and-acculturation-when-aiming-to-develop-qualitative-research-for-services-of-drug-abuse/10289?id=10289

