1521/2013 - Work as health activator
O trabalho como operador de saúde


• Claudia Osorio da Silva - Osorio da Silva, C. - Universidade Federal Fluminense - <claudiaosorio@terra.com.br> +


• Tatiana Ramminger - Ramminger, T. - Barra do Pirai, RJ - Universidade Federal Fluminense (Volta Redonda) - <tatiramminger@gmail.com> +

Thematic Area:

Saúde e Trabalho


Studies on the relation between health and work tend to highlight its negative and pathological frame, as if work produced only sickness and alienation. On the opposite, our proposal is to think how work can also produce health. Departing from Canguillem‘s concept of health and from the contributions of the clinic of activity, we intend to analyze work as a health activator. Canguilhem affirms that health is not adaptive, i.e., it is not adapting well to the world, but the creation norms of life. And the work clinics provide tools to approach us to the know-do produced by workers in their daily work, that is, not only how workers adapt to work, but how they create and recreate it permanently Thus, we can think work as a health activator when there is room for collective and personal creation, as well as recognition of workers in their activity.


workers health work activity work clinics


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