1304/2013 - Young Offenders with Mental Disorders in a Socio-educative Action
Adolescentes com Transtorno Mental em Cumprimento de Medida Socioeducativa de Internação


• Natalia Pereira Goncalves Vilarins - Pereira, N. - Brasilia, DF - Universidade de Brasilia - <nataliapgs@yahoo.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Ciências Sociais


This article examines how young offenders with mental disorders are assisted by a socio-educative action. These teenagers become the target of medicine and justice in a contradictory relationship between full protection, vulnerability of the developing person and mental disorder and the commission of offense. In this respect, the judicial punishment rises at the expense of health care. After approval of the research project by a Research Ethics Committee, was conducted field research in the Youth Detention Unit of the Plano Piloto (Unidade de Internação do Plano Piloto) of the Brazilian Federal District. Data were collected through documentary research conducted in 35 medical charts of teenagers users of psychotropic drugs in 2010, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with professionals from the Youth Detention Unit and juvenile justice. By reviewing the care provided to young offenders with mental disorders by the childhood and youth policy and mental health policy, it was found that the mental health care held in the Youth Detention Unit or in the external mental health care services consisted in its medicalization.


Childhood and Youth Mental Health Socio-educative Action Young Offense


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