0027/2014 - Younger and older elderly gauchos‘ perception about public spaces they live in
Percepção dos idosos jovens e longevos gaúchos quanto aos espaços públicos em que vivem


• Joel Hirtz do Nascimento Navarro - Navarro, J. H. N. - Porto Alegre, RS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil - <joelhnn@hotmail.com>


• Francini Porcher Andrade - Andrade,Francini Porcher - Centro Universitário Metodista do IPA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul Brasil - <angelo.bos@pucrs.br,ajgbos@hotmail.com>
• Tiago Souza Paiva - Paiva,Tiago Souza - Centro Universitário Metodista do IPA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul Brasil - <angelo.bos@pucrs.br,ajgbos@hotmail.com>
• Diovana Ourique da Silva - Silva,Diovana Ourique da - Centro Universitário Metodista, do IPA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul Brasil - <angelo.bos@pucrs.br,ajgbos@hotmail.com>
• Cristiane Fernanda Gessinger - Gessinger, Cristiane Fernanda - Centro Universitário Metodista, do IPA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul Brasil - <angelo.bos@pucrs.br,ajgbos@hotmail.com>
• Angelo Jose Gonçalves Bós - Bós, A. J. G - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) / Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia (IGG) - Saúde Pública e Envelhecimento Av. Ipiranga, 6690 , 3* andar, Jardim Botânico , Porto Alegre. - <angelo.bos@pucrs.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4901-3155

Thematic Area:

Saúde do Idoso


In 2050, at Brazil the amount of people living in urban areas will be over 200 million and 29% of Brazilian population will be composed of elder. Oldest old are those with 80 or more years old. Young elder are those aged between 60 and 79 years. The purpose of this article was to verify the difference in perception between young elders and Oldest old from Rio Grande do Sul about the urban environment they live in. This is a population based, observational, descriptive, retrospective study, with paradigm of quantitative analysis. We analyzed data from the research of the Elderly Profile from RS, conducted by the Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia from PUCRS in partnership with Escola de Saúde Pública from RS. The sampling consisted of 6913 questionnaires answered by elders from 59 cities. Data analysis was held with each age group and independent variables were processed with Chi-square test, with p under 0,05. Results showed that the perception of difficulties such as few benches, lack of crosswalks, little length of time at traffic lights for pedestrians, too high stair steps and public toilets bad smell was higher among young elders. Oldest old have perceived less these facts, although they have also stated to go less to communitarian environments.


Oldest Old, Active aging, Urban mobility City planning.


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Navarro, J. H. N., Andrade,Francini Porcher , Paiva,Tiago Souza , Silva,Diovana Ourique da, Gessinger, Cristiane Fernanda, Bós, A. J. G. Younger and older elderly gauchos‘ perception about public spaces they live in. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2014/Jun). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/younger-and-older-elderly-gauchoslsquo-perception-about-public-spaces-they-live-in/15010?id=15010

