A pandemia da Sars-CoV-2 desnudou as desigualdades sociais que assolam grande parte da população mundial e desvelou a fragilidade dos sistemas de saúde. A cruel pedagogia do vírus entoa o debate dos ensinamentos, por meio dos impactos da pandemia, evidenciando, sobretudo, a ineficiência do sistema econômico e financeiro vigente, somada à fragilidade do Estado, em respostas às diversas desigualdades da sociedade que se acentuam em momentos de crise. O sucinto livro escrito por Boaventura de Sousa Santos traz uma abundância de sentidos, divididos em cinco capítulos: 1- “Vírus: tudo o que é sólido desmancha no ar”; 2- “A trágica transparência do vírus”; 3- “A sul da quarentena”; 4- “A intensa pedagogia do vírus: as primeiras lições”; 5- “O futuro pode começar hoje”. Trata-se de uma leitura convidativa, que nos faz refletir sobre os últimos quarenta anos vividos em quarentena política, cultural e ideológica de um capitalismo fechado sobre si próprio e das discriminações raciais e sexuais, sem as quais ele não pode subsistir. É a vida em quarentena dentro de outra quarentena. Suscita a reflexão final que somente vencendo a pandemia do capitalismo, estaremos mais livres de quarentenas provocadas por pandemias.
The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic exposed the social inequalities that plague a large part of the world population and unveiled the fragility of health systems. The cruel pedagogy of the virus intonates the debate of the teachings through the impacts of the pandemic, showing, above all, the inefficiency of the current economic and financial system added to the fragility of the State in responding to the diverse inequalities of society that are accentuated in times of crisis. The succinct book written by Boaventura de Sousa Santos brings an abundance of meanings divided into five chapters: 1- \"Virus: everything that is solid crumbles in the air\"; 2- \"The tragic transparency of the virus\"; 3- \"South of the quarantine\"; 4- \"The intense virus pedagogy: the first lessons\"; 5- \"The future can begin today\". It is an inviting reading and makes us reflect on the last forty years lived in the political, cultural and ideological quarantine of a capitalism closed in on itself and of racial and sexual discrimination, without which it cannot survive. It is life in quarantine within another quarantine. It raises the final reflection, that only by winning the capitalism pandemic will we be freedquarantines caused by pandemics.
Coronavirus; Social Inequity; Collective Health; Capitalism; Global Health.
The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic exposed the social inequalities that plague a large part of the world population and unveiled the fragility of health systems. The cruel pedagogy of the virus intonates the debate of the teachings through the impacts of the pandemic, showing, above all, the inefficiency of the current economic and financial system added to the fragility of the State in responding to the diverse inequalities of society that are accentuated in times of crisis. The succinct book written by Boaventura de Sousa Santos brings an abundance of meanings divided into five chapters: 1- \"Virus: everything that is solid crumbles in the air\"; 2- \"The tragic transparency of the virus\"; 3- \"South of the quarantine\"; 4- \"The intense virus pedagogy: the first lessons\"; 5- \"The future can begin today\". It is an inviting reading and makes us reflect on the last forty years lived in the political, cultural and ideological quarantine of a capitalism closed in on itself and of racial and sexual discrimination, without which it cannot survive. It is life in quarantine within another quarantine. It raises the final reflection, that only by winning the capitalism pandemic will we be freedquarantines caused by pandemics.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Coronavirus; Social Inequity; Collective Health; Capitalism; Global Health.
Santos, F.L, Moncaio, A. C. S.. A cruel pedagogia do vírus. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/abr). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-cruel-pedagogia-do-virus/18034?id=18034