0570/2016 - A Disponibilização de Fósforo nas Águas pelo Uso de Detergentes em Pó: Aspectos Ambientais e de Saúde Pública The Availability of Phosphorus on Waterthe Utilization of the Powder Detergents: Social and Environmental Aspects
• Claudia Maria Gomes Quevedo - Quevedo, Claudia Maria Gomes - Universidade de Sao Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Púlbica - <claugomes@usp.br>
• Wanderley Silva Paganini - Paganini, Wanderley Silva - Universidade de Sao Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública - <paganini@usp.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde e Ambiente
Este artigo aborda a interface social e ambiental da presença de fósforo nas águas de abastecimento, dimensionando os impactos ocasionados pelo uso de detergentes fosfatados em pó sobre a qualidade e disponibilidade dos recursos hídricos, no tocante à ocorrência da eutrofização. Com base em dados a respeito da formulação e consumo dos produtos comercializados no Brasil, relata a evolução do assunto e apresenta o retrato da situação atual. Indica que os detergentes brasileiros possuem, hoje, baixa concentração de fósforo, de forma que representam um reduzido risco de impacto sobre o nível trófico das águas. Pontua, entretanto, a necessidade de ajustar o conteúdo da legislação à prática do mercado e de aprimorar as políticas públicas relacionadas com a educação ambiental. Mediante um processo efetivo de comunicação e educação, será possível conscientizar a população acerca do assunto, contribuindo para a manutenção do controle dessa importante fonte de fósforo no meio ambiente e para o aumento da disponibilidade hídrica, por meio da prevenção dos processos de eutrofização.
This article discusses the interface between social and environmental aspects related to the presence of phosphorus in water for public supply, approaching the impacts caused by the utilization of the powder detergents over public health and water resources, regarding the occurrence of the eutrophication. Relying on data concerning the composition and consumption of the products currently sold in Brazil, it reports the development of this subject and features a portrait of the present situation. It indicates that the Brazilian detergents have a low phosphate concentration, thus it is possible to infer that these products offer a small risk of impact over the trophic levels of the water. It was observed a need to adjust the legal limits to the market conditions, as well as to improve public policies related to environmental education. Upon an intensive process of community communication and education, awareness about the issue can be raised, keeping this important source of phosphorus to the environment under control and contributing to the increase in the availability of water, through the prevention of the eutrophication processes.
Water resourcesEutrophicationPhosphorusDetergentsPublic health
The Availability of Phosphorus on Waterthe Utilization of the Powder Detergents: Social and Environmental Aspects
Resumo (abstract):
This article discusses the interface between social and environmental aspects related to the presence of phosphorus in water for public supply, approaching the impacts caused by the utilization of the powder detergents over public health and water resources, regarding the occurrence of the eutrophication. Relying on data concerning the composition and consumption of the products currently sold in Brazil, it reports the development of this subject and features a portrait of the present situation. It indicates that the Brazilian detergents have a low phosphate concentration, thus it is possible to infer that these products offer a small risk of impact over the trophic levels of the water. It was observed a need to adjust the legal limits to the market conditions, as well as to improve public policies related to environmental education. Upon an intensive process of community communication and education, awareness about the issue can be raised, keeping this important source of phosphorus to the environment under control and contributing to the increase in the availability of water, through the prevention of the eutrophication processes.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Water resourcesEutrophicationPhosphorusDetergentsPublic health
Quevedo, Claudia Maria Gomes, Paganini, Wanderley Silva. A Disponibilização de Fósforo nas Águas pelo Uso de Detergentes em Pó: Aspectos Ambientais e de Saúde Pública. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-disponibilizacao-de-fosforo-nas-aguas-pelo-uso-de-detergentes-em-po-aspectos-ambientais-e-de-saude-publica/15996?id=15996