0350/2020 - A influência da resposta dos EUA à COVID-19 no contexto da Saúde Global The influence of the US response to COVID-19 in the Global Health context
A resposta americana à pandemia envolve um proeminente volume de recursos federais, em especial destinados ao desenvolvimento e aquisição de produtos no uso interno, como diagnósticos ou vacinas. As justificativas para esse desembolso se baseiam em mecanismos de investimentos e aspectos históricos. Assim, a construção social do nacionalismo na formação na sociedade americana prejudica o acesso a tecnologias em saúde. A revisão desses aspectos demonstra como os EUA garantiram compra de grande quantitativo de produtos em potencial, inclusive assegurando excessiva produção local. Essa política externa unilateral tem influenciado outros países ou blocos regionais e prejudicado a cooperação e a solidariedade global com impacto na saúde coletiva de diversas nações.
COVID-19; Gestão de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em Saúde; Órgãos Governamentais; Acesso à Inovação Tecnológica
The American response to the pandemic involves a prominent volume of federal resources, especially for the development and acquisition of products for internal use, such as diagnostics or vaccines. The justifications for this expenditure reside on investment mechanisms and historical aspects. Thus, the social construction of nationalism in the American society hinders access to health technologies. The review of such aspects demonstrate how the USA guaranteed the purchase of a large number of potential products, also ensuring excessive local production. This unilateral foreign policy has influenced other countries or regional blocs and it has undermined global cooperation and solidarity with impacts for the collective health of several nations.
COVID-19; Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management; Government Agencies; Access to Technological Innovation
The influence of the US response to COVID-19 in the Global Health context
Resumo (abstract):
The American response to the pandemic involves a prominent volume of federal resources, especially for the development and acquisition of products for internal use, such as diagnostics or vaccines. The justifications for this expenditure reside on investment mechanisms and historical aspects. Thus, the social construction of nationalism in the American society hinders access to health technologies. The review of such aspects demonstrate how the USA guaranteed the purchase of a large number of potential products, also ensuring excessive local production. This unilateral foreign policy has influenced other countries or regional blocs and it has undermined global cooperation and solidarity with impacts for the collective health of several nations.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
COVID-19; Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management; Government Agencies; Access to Technological Innovation
Leineweber, F.V., Bermudez, J. A. Z.. A influência da resposta dos EUA à COVID-19 no contexto da Saúde Global. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/nov). [Citado em 21/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-influencia-da-resposta-dos-eua-a-covid19-no-contexto-da-saude-global/17832?id=17832