0661/2013 - A INFLUÊNCIA DO LUTO NO COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTAR E SUAS IMPLICAÇÕES NAS CONDUTAS NUTRICIONAIS The influence of mourning in feeding behavior and its implications in the nutritional conducts
O despreparo para lidar com a morte e com a ausência do ente querido pode implicar em reações orgânicas e psicológicas que, em decorrência da capacidade adaptativa do indivíduo ao período de luto, acaba por interferir na condição de alimentação e, consequentemente, no estado nutricional. Este artigo aborda os efeitos do luto recente no comportamento alimentar, seguindo-se da análise de alguns pontos de vista da entrevista dietética; da condição de nutrição e de alimentação pós-morte do ente querido; e das implicações desse processo na fome, na sede e na culinária familiar, com enfoque nas condutas nutricionais e nas decisões que os norteiam. Trata-se de um estudo de revisão de literatura na temática morte e luto, o qual objetiva contextualizar o tema em reflexões pautadas nessa vivência, enfatizando a interação da nutrição com a ciência da tanatologia, área ainda pouco explorada e carente de estudos. A identificação dessa influência e de suas implicações permite melhor planejamento das estratégias alimentares, contribuindo sobremaneira para ações de enfrentamento e de apoio ao luto.
Evento traumático
Comportamento alimentar
Conduta nutricional
The lack of preparation to deal with death and the absence of the loved one may imply in organic and psychological reactions that, due to the adaptive capacity of the individual and the period of mourning, turns out by inferring in the feeding condition and, consequently, on nutritional status. This article discusses the effects of recent mourning in feeding behavior, followed by its analysis under some viewpoints: the dietary interview; the nutrition and feeding condition postmortem of the loved one; the implications of this process in the hunger, thirst and family cooking; with focus on nutritional conducts and in the decisions that guide them. This is a review of the literature on the theme of death and mourning, wich aims to contextualize this theme guided on reflections based on this experience, emphasizing interaction of nutrition with science of thanatology, area still not well explored and which needs more studies. The identification of this influence and its implications enables better planning of food strategies, contributing greatly to coping and support actions to mourning.
Traumatic event
Feeding behavior
Nutritional conduct
The influence of mourning in feeding behavior and its implications in the nutritional conducts
Resumo (abstract):
The lack of preparation to deal with death and the absence of the loved one may imply in organic and psychological reactions that, due to the adaptive capacity of the individual and the period of mourning, turns out by inferring in the feeding condition and, consequently, on nutritional status. This article discusses the effects of recent mourning in feeding behavior, followed by its analysis under some viewpoints: the dietary interview; the nutrition and feeding condition postmortem of the loved one; the implications of this process in the hunger, thirst and family cooking; with focus on nutritional conducts and in the decisions that guide them. This is a review of the literature on the theme of death and mourning, wich aims to contextualize this theme guided on reflections based on this experience, emphasizing interaction of nutrition with science of thanatology, area still not well explored and which needs more studies. The identification of this influence and its implications enables better planning of food strategies, contributing greatly to coping and support actions to mourning.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Traumatic event
Feeding behavior
Nutritional conduct
Campos, M. T. F. S.. A INFLUÊNCIA DO LUTO NO COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTAR E SUAS IMPLICAÇÕES NAS CONDUTAS NUTRICIONAIS. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/mai). [Citado em 07/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-influencia-do-luto-no-comportamento-alimentar-e-suas-implicacoes-nas-condutas-nutricionais/12907?id=12907&id=12907