0045/2022 - “A pharmácia profissão e a pharmácia indústria”1: conflitos entre médicos e farmacêuticos em Salvador em fins do século XIX “Professional pharmacy and “industrial pharmacy”: disputes between doctors and pharmacists in Salvador by the end of the 19th century.
Neste artigo são apresentados conflitos envolvendo farmacêuticos e médicos, especialmente aqueles ligados à Inspetoria de Higiene, na cidade de Salvador na última década do século XIX, tema ainda pouco trabalhando pela historiografia. A intenção é discutir como a regulamentação criada ainda no governo imperial para controlar as práticas de cura em geral e o trabalho dos farmacêuticos em particular acabou limitando a atuação destes últimos. Ao considerar injustas as prescrições impostas pelas autoridades sanitárias, por cercearem sua atuação ao mesmo tempo em que favoreciam embusteiros, diversos farmacêuticos lutaram para adquirir autonomia diante do que consideravam autoritarismo dos médicos. Tais conflitos revelam o quanto o estabelecimento da ciência médica como hegemônica no país foi um processo turbulento mesmo entre os pares de profissões supostamente aliadas. O início da República, contexto permeado por debates e transformações ocorridos com a queda da monarquia, a abolição da escravidão e as dificuldades iniciais para o estabelecimento do poder, foi marcado fortemente pela presença dos médicos, que atuavam junto com militares e juristas para impor uma nova organização social. Essa presença se verificou na forte influência do pensamento racializado que caracterizou as políticas públicas, bem como na organização excludente e autoritária da sociedade.
In this article, conflicts involving pharmacists and doctors are presented, especially those linked to the Inspectorate of Hygiene, in the city of Salvador in the last decade of the 19th century, a topic that has not yet been addressed by historiography. The intention is to discuss how the regulation created during the imperial government to control healing practices in general and the work of pharmacists in particular ended up limiting the performance of the latter. Considering the prescriptions imposed to them by the health authorities to be unfair, for restricting their performance while favoring liars, several pharmacists fought to acquire autonomy in the face of what they considered authoritarianism of doctors. Such conflicts reveal how much the establishment of medical science as hegemonic in the country was a turbulent process even among pairs of supposedly allied professions. The beginning of the Republic, a context permeated by debates and transformations that occurred with the fall of the monarchy, the abolition of slavery and the initial difficulties for the establishment of power, was strongly marked by the presence of doctors, who worked together with military and jurists to impose a new social organization. The medical presence was verified in the strong influence of racialized thinking that characterized public policies, as well as in the exclusionary and authoritarian organization of society.
“Professional pharmacy and “industrial pharmacy”: disputes between doctors and pharmacists in Salvador by the end of the 19th century.
Resumo (abstract):
In this article, conflicts involving pharmacists and doctors are presented, especially those linked to the Inspectorate of Hygiene, in the city of Salvador in the last decade of the 19th century, a topic that has not yet been addressed by historiography. The intention is to discuss how the regulation created during the imperial government to control healing practices in general and the work of pharmacists in particular ended up limiting the performance of the latter. Considering the prescriptions imposed to them by the health authorities to be unfair, for restricting their performance while favoring liars, several pharmacists fought to acquire autonomy in the face of what they considered authoritarianism of doctors. Such conflicts reveal how much the establishment of medical science as hegemonic in the country was a turbulent process even among pairs of supposedly allied professions. The beginning of the Republic, a context permeated by debates and transformations that occurred with the fall of the monarchy, the abolition of slavery and the initial difficulties for the establishment of power, was strongly marked by the presence of doctors, who worked together with military and jurists to impose a new social organization. The medical presence was verified in the strong influence of racialized thinking that characterized public policies, as well as in the exclusionary and authoritarian organization of society.
Sampaio, G.. “A pharmácia profissão e a pharmácia indústria”1: conflitos entre médicos e farmacêuticos em Salvador em fins do século XIX. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-pharmacia-profissao-e-a-pharmacia-industria1-conflitos-entre-medicos-e-farmaceuticos-em-salvador-em-fins-do-seculo-xix/18301?id=18301