A “crise” é um fenômeno que corresponde a políticas globais e locais com repercussões sociais, políticas e econômicas e é o contexto para este artigo, que visa refletir sobre a resposta brasileira à epidemia de HIV/Aids. Examinamos dimensões deste fenômeno, como a revisão de consensos das políticas de austeridade, seus impactos e a construção de “anti-agendas” que dificultam a narrativa dos direitos humanos, gênero, sexualidade e saúde e obstaculizam o trabalho de prevenção e o cuidado na área de HIV/Aids. Tal guinada conservadora pode ser associada à censura a materiais especializados e à mudança recente na estrutura de gestão do Ministério da Saúde, à extinção de centenas de conselhos participativos no âmbito do executivo federal e à nova Política Nacional sobre Drogas que substitui a orientação de “redução de danos” para a de “abstinência”. Todos esses fenômenos reaquecem uma antiga preocupação: que o “vírus ideológico” venha a suplantar o vírus biológico, acentuando o quadro de estigma e de discriminação. Somados à agressiva orientação socioeconômica neoliberal que ameaça o Estado brasileiro, tais fatos afetariam a continuidade das respostas institucionais ao HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS; Políticas Públicas; Crise.
The \"crisis\" is a phenomenon that corresponds to global and local policies with social, political and economic repercussions and is the context for this article that aims to reflect on the Brazilian response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic. We examine dimensions of this phenomenon, such as the review of consensus on austerity policies on the impact on infectious diseases and the construction of \"anti-agendas\" that weakens the narrative of human rights, gender, sexuality and health and make HIV prevention harder. Such a conservative move can be associated with censorship of specialized materials and the recent change of management in the structure of the Ministry of Health, the extinction of hundreds of participatory councils within the federal executive as a reaction to civil society participation, and the new National Policy on drugs that replaces the \"harm reduction\" orientation for one of \"abstinence.\" All these phenomena bring back an old concern, that is, that the \"ideological virus\" will supplant the biological virus, accentuating the picture of stigma and discrimination. In addition to the neoliberal socioeconomic orientation that threatens the Brazilian state, such facts would affect the continuity of institutional responses to HIV / AIDS.
The brazilian response to the HIV/Aids epidemic amidst the crisis.
Resumo (abstract):
The \"crisis\" is a phenomenon that corresponds to global and local policies with social, political and economic repercussions and is the context for this article that aims to reflect on the Brazilian response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic. We examine dimensions of this phenomenon, such as the review of consensus on austerity policies on the impact on infectious diseases and the construction of \"anti-agendas\" that weakens the narrative of human rights, gender, sexuality and health and make HIV prevention harder. Such a conservative move can be associated with censorship of specialized materials and the recent change of management in the structure of the Ministry of Health, the extinction of hundreds of participatory councils within the federal executive as a reaction to civil society participation, and the new National Policy on drugs that replaces the \"harm reduction\" orientation for one of \"abstinence.\" All these phenomena bring back an old concern, that is, that the \"ideological virus\" will supplant the biological virus, accentuating the picture of stigma and discrimination. In addition to the neoliberal socioeconomic orientation that threatens the Brazilian state, such facts would affect the continuity of institutional responses to HIV / AIDS.
Agostini, R, Rocha, F, Melo, E.A, MAKSUD, I.. A resposta brasileira à epidemia de HIV/Aids em tempos de crise.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/set). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-resposta-brasileira-a-epidemia-de-hivaids-em-tempos-de-crise/17344?id=17344