0132/2024 - Ações de assistência à saúde ofertadas à População em Situação de rua: estado da arte Healthcare Actions offered for Homeless People: state of the art
A População em Situação de Rua (PSR) vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Ações governamentais são implementadas para melhorar as condições de vida dessa população, especialmente voltadas à assistência à saúde. Este estudo tem como questão norteadora: quais são as estratégias de atenção à saúde dos serviços e programas voltados à população em situação de rua no Brasil? O objetivo é analisar quais são as estratégias de atenção à saúde adotadas pelos serviços e programas voltados à população em situação de rua no Brasil. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs) e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo), tendo como resultado 21 artigos. A análise revelou os alcances e desafios das redes de atenção à saúde, indicando o uso de drogas como principal motivo para busca dos serviços sendo o Consultório na Rua (CnaR) um dispositivo importante capaz de promover a criação de vínculos entre a PSR e demais setores de saúde. A importância do trabalho em rede e a complexidade do cuidado à saúde de populações foram temas recorrentes nas discussões, pois tratam de ações destinadas a pessoas vulnerabilizadas, estigmatizadas apresentando necessidades e singularidades no modo de viver em sociedade.
População de Rua; Saúde; Assistência à Saúde.
The number of Homeless People (PSR) has been increasing in recent years. Government actions have been implemented to improve the living conditions for this population, especially those focused on health care. Thus, this study has as research question: how are the healthcare strategies of services and programs being offered to the homeless population in Brazil? Its objective is to analyze the health care strategies adopted by services and programs offered to the homeless population in Brazil. To achieve this, a search was conducted in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) databases, resulting in 21 articles. The analysis of these articles showed that mainly described the drug use as the main reason for seekin health services and also pointed the Street Office (CnaR) as an essential device capable of promoting links between PSR and other health sectors. In addition, the importance of networking and the complexity of health care for populations were recurrent themes in the discussions, as they deal with actions aimed at vulnerable, stigmatized people who often have needs and singularities in the way of living in society.
Healthcare Actions offered for Homeless People: state of the art
Resumo (abstract):
The number of Homeless People (PSR) has been increasing in recent years. Government actions have been implemented to improve the living conditions for this population, especially those focused on health care. Thus, this study has as research question: how are the healthcare strategies of services and programs being offered to the homeless population in Brazil? Its objective is to analyze the health care strategies adopted by services and programs offered to the homeless population in Brazil. To achieve this, a search was conducted in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) databases, resulting in 21 articles. The analysis of these articles showed that mainly described the drug use as the main reason for seekin health services and also pointed the Street Office (CnaR) as an essential device capable of promoting links between PSR and other health sectors. In addition, the importance of networking and the complexity of health care for populations were recurrent themes in the discussions, as they deal with actions aimed at vulnerable, stigmatized people who often have needs and singularities in the way of living in society.
Queiroz, D. C., Veras, R. M, Menezes, A. E. G. S.. Ações de assistência à saúde ofertadas à População em Situação de rua: estado da arte. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/abr). [Citado em 07/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/acoes-de-assistencia-a-saude-ofertadas-a-populacao-em-situacao-de-rua-estado-da-arte/19180?id=19180