0205/2020 - Adequação da assistência odontológica pré-natal: Desigualdades sociais e geográficas em uma região metropolitana do Brasil Adequacy of prenatal dental care: Social and geographical inequalities in a metropolitan region of Brazil
Objetivou-se analisar as desigualdades sociais e geográficas na adequação da assistência odontológica pré-natal no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) da Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo (RMGV-ES), Brasil. Realizou-se um estudo seccional com 1209 puérperas residentes na região, internadas no SUS para parto em 2010 e 2011. Coletaram-se dados sobre assistência médica-odontológica pré-natal, impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida(Oral Health Impact Profile-14), características contextuais, predisponentes e capacitantes. A assistência odontológica pré-natal foi adequada quando o cuidado prestado correspondeu ao tratamento preconizado. Analisou-se a chance de adequação da assistência odontológica pré-natal por meio de modelo logístico multivariado. Verificou-se que a saúde bucal impactou a qualidade de vida de 102 (8,4%) gestantes e a adequação da assistência odontológica pré-natal foi apenas de 15,4% (n=156). Houve maior chance de adequação da assistência odontológica pré-natal em Vitória (OR=2,44; IC=1,63-3,66), na presença de Estratégia Saúde da Família (OR=1,88; IC=1,22-2,89) e de pré-natal de qualidade (OR=3,59; IC=1,64-7,84). As desigualdades contextuais foram determinantes para inadequação da assistência odontológica no pré-natal.
Equidade no acesso; Qualidade da assistência à saúde; Cuidado pré-natal; Gestantes; Assistência Odontológica.
The objective was to analyse social and geographical inequalities in the adequacy of prenatal dental care in the Unified Health System (SUS), of the Greater Vitória Metropolitan Region, Espírito Santo, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 1209 puerperal women living in the region, hospitalized at SUS facilities for childbirth between 2010 and 2011. Data were collected about: prenatal medical-dental care; impact of oral health on the quality of life of pregnant women (Oral Health Impact Profile-14); and contextual, predisposing and social characteristics. Prenatal care was adequate when the care provided corresponded to the recommended treatment. The chance of adequacy dental care during prenatal care was analyzed using a multivariate logistic model. There was oral health impacted the quality of live of 102 (8.4%) pregnant women and the dental care during prenatal care was only 15.4%. There was a greater chance of adequacy of prentatal dental care in Vitória (OR=2.44; IC=1.63-3.66), in regions covered by the family health strategy (OR=1.88; IC=1.22-2.89) and in areas with a higher proportion of pregnant women with access to quality prenatal care ((OR=3.59; IC=1.64-7.84). Contextual inequalities were decisive for the inadequacy of dental care in prenatal care.
Equity in access; Quality of health care; Prenatal care; Pregnant women; Dental Care.
Adequacy of prenatal dental care: Social and geographical inequalities in a metropolitan region of Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The objective was to analyse social and geographical inequalities in the adequacy of prenatal dental care in the Unified Health System (SUS), of the Greater Vitória Metropolitan Region, Espírito Santo, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 1209 puerperal women living in the region, hospitalized at SUS facilities for childbirth between 2010 and 2011. Data were collected about: prenatal medical-dental care; impact of oral health on the quality of life of pregnant women (Oral Health Impact Profile-14); and contextual, predisposing and social characteristics. Prenatal care was adequate when the care provided corresponded to the recommended treatment. The chance of adequacy dental care during prenatal care was analyzed using a multivariate logistic model. There was oral health impacted the quality of live of 102 (8.4%) pregnant women and the dental care during prenatal care was only 15.4%. There was a greater chance of adequacy of prentatal dental care in Vitória (OR=2.44; IC=1.63-3.66), in regions covered by the family health strategy (OR=1.88; IC=1.22-2.89) and in areas with a higher proportion of pregnant women with access to quality prenatal care ((OR=3.59; IC=1.64-7.84). Contextual inequalities were decisive for the inadequacy of dental care in prenatal care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Equity in access; Quality of health care; Prenatal care; Pregnant women; Dental Care.
Esposti, C.D.D., Esposti, E.T, EMMERICH, A.O., Travassos, C, Pinheiro, R.S. Adequação da assistência odontológica pré-natal: Desigualdades sociais e geográficas em uma região metropolitana do Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/adequacao-da-assistencia-odontologica-prenatal-desigualdades-sociais-e-geograficas-em-uma-regiao-metropolitana-do-brasil/17687?id=17687