0061/2019 - Alimentação do Trabalhador: Uma avaliação em indústrias no nordeste do Brasil. Worker\'s Nutrition: An evaluation in industries in northeastern Brazil.
Objetivo: avaliar o Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador sob a ótica de gestores, nutricionistas e a alimentação oferecida em indústrias da Região Metropolitana do Recife. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foi aplicado questionário estruturado com 40 gestores e 40 nutricionistas acerca dos seus conhecimentos sobre o programa e o cumprimento das atribuições exigidas por ele. Também foi avaliada a qualidade nutricional dos cardápios. Resultados: Entre os gestores e os nutricionistas, 22,5% e 72,5% não sabiam do cadastro no programa e das suas exigências nutricionais, respectivamente. Grande parte dos nutricionistas e gestores relacionou o programa a uma exigência da legislação trabalhista. Nenhum respondente conhecia a obrigatoriedade de ações de educação alimentar e nutricional, mesmo assim, 55% dos serviços realizavam ações educativas e 25% realiza avaliação nutricional dos trabalhadores. Observou-se que apesar da oferta de bebidas naturais, frutas e folhosos diariamente, também há oferta diária de diversos produtos ultraprocessados, principalmente doces e bebidas artificiais. Conclusões: O estudo evidenciou o pouco conhecimento dos gestores e dos nutricionistas sobre os objetivos do programa bem como a sua insipiente execução.
Programas e Políticas de Nutrição e Alimentação, Saúde do Trabalhador, Planejamento de cardápio, Alimentação.
Objective: it was to evaluate the Worker Food Programthe perspective of managers, nutritionists and the food offered in industries of the Metropolitan Region in Recife. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. A structured questionnaire was applied with 40 managers and 40 nutritionists about their knowledge on the program and the fulfilment of the duties required by it. The nutritional quality of the menus was also evaluated. Results: Among the managers and nutritionists, 22.5% and 72.5% did not know about the enrolment in the program and their nutritional requirements, respectively. Most nutritionists and managers related the program to a labour law requirement. No respondent knew the mandatory food and nutritional education actions, even so, 55% of the services carried out educational actions and 25% performed nutritional assessment of the workers. Despite the supply of natural beverages, fruit and leafy vegetables daily, there is also a daily supply of various ultra- processed products, especially sweets and artificial beverages. Conclusion: The study evidenced the lack of knowledge of managers and nutritionists about the program\'s objectives and a possible failure in its execution.
Nutrition Programs and Policies, Worker Health, Menu Planning, Food.
Worker\'s Nutrition: An evaluation in industries in northeastern Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: it was to evaluate the Worker Food Programthe perspective of managers, nutritionists and the food offered in industries of the Metropolitan Region in Recife. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. A structured questionnaire was applied with 40 managers and 40 nutritionists about their knowledge on the program and the fulfilment of the duties required by it. The nutritional quality of the menus was also evaluated. Results: Among the managers and nutritionists, 22.5% and 72.5% did not know about the enrolment in the program and their nutritional requirements, respectively. Most nutritionists and managers related the program to a labour law requirement. No respondent knew the mandatory food and nutritional education actions, even so, 55% of the services carried out educational actions and 25% performed nutritional assessment of the workers. Despite the supply of natural beverages, fruit and leafy vegetables daily, there is also a daily supply of various ultra- processed products, especially sweets and artificial beverages. Conclusion: The study evidenced the lack of knowledge of managers and nutritionists about the program\'s objectives and a possible failure in its execution.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Nutrition Programs and Policies, Worker Health, Menu Planning, Food.
Guilherme, R. C., Canuto, R, Clark, S.G.F, Vasconcelos, F. N., Padilha, VM, Tavares, F.C.L.P., Pessoa, RFM, Lira, P. I. C.. Alimentação do Trabalhador: Uma avaliação em indústrias no nordeste do Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mar). [Citado em 14/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/alimentacao-do-trabalhador-uma-avaliacao-em-industrias-no-nordeste-do-brasil/17135?id=17135