0272/2020 - Amamentação e utilização de medicamentos: qual a orientação presente nas bulas de anticoncepcionais e anti-infecciosos? Breast Feeding and drug utilization: what is the orientation present in the medicines package s of contraceptives and anti-infective agents?
Objetivo: Avaliar a concordância entre bulas e fontes bibliográficas baseadas em evidências científicas quanto à presença de contra indicação do uso de anticoncepcionais e anti-infecciosos durante a amamentação.Método:Foram selecionados medicamentos anticoncepcionais e anti-infecciosos, segundo a ATC,com registro na ANVISA e presentes nas fontes bibliográficas: Manual Amamentação e Uso de Medicamentos e Outras Substâncias, Medications and Mother’s Milk, LactMed®, Micromedex® e UpToDate®. As informações foram extraídas das seções “Contra indicações” e “Advertências e precauções” das bulas e comparadas com as informações das fontes. Foi avaliada a presença de informação contra indicando o uso do medicamento durante a amamentação.Resultados:Em cinco (55,5%) dos nove anticoncepcionais foi verificada contra indicação na bula.Entre as fontes bibliográficas, o percentual variou de 0% a 55,5%, dependendo da fonte. Para os anti-infecciosos, o percentual de contra indicação foi de 46,3% na bula, variando de 0% a 12,9% nas fontes.Conclusão:Existe concordância entre as bulas e as fontes bibliográficas com relação aos anticoncepcionais; no caso dos anti-infecciosos, as bulas apresentam contra indicação para o uso durante a amamentação com mais frequência.
amamentação; bulas de medicamentos; uso de medicamentos; anticoncepcionais; anti-infecciosos
Objective: To evaluate the conformity between medicine package s (MPI) and evidence-based bibliographic sources regarding the presence of contraindications for contraceptives and anti-infective agents use during breastfeeding.Methods:Contraceptive and anti-infectives were ed, according to ATC, with updated record in the ANVISA and present in the bibliographic sourcesBreastfeeding and Use of Medicines and Other Substances, Medications and Mother\'s Milk, LactMed®, Micromedex® and UpToDate®. Information were extracted“Contraindications” and “Warnings and precautions” MPI sections and compared with the information in the bibliographic sources. The contraindication of the drug in breastfeeding was evaluated.Results:In five (55.5%) of the nine contraceptives, contraindications were found in the MPI. Among the bibliographic sources, the contraindication percentage ranged0 to 55.5%, depending on the source. For anti-infectives, the percentage was 46.3% in the MPI, ranging0 to 12.9% in the bibliographic sources.Conclusion:There is agreement between the MPI and the bibliographic sources regarding contraceptives; regarding anti-infectives, the MPI are contraindicated for use during breastfeeding more often.
Breast Feeding;medicine package s;drug utilization; contraceptives agents, anti-infective agents
Breast Feeding and drug utilization: what is the orientation present in the medicines package s of contraceptives and anti-infective agents?
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To evaluate the conformity between medicine package s (MPI) and evidence-based bibliographic sources regarding the presence of contraindications for contraceptives and anti-infective agents use during breastfeeding.Methods:Contraceptive and anti-infectives were ed, according to ATC, with updated record in the ANVISA and present in the bibliographic sourcesBreastfeeding and Use of Medicines and Other Substances, Medications and Mother\'s Milk, LactMed®, Micromedex® and UpToDate®. Information were extracted“Contraindications” and “Warnings and precautions” MPI sections and compared with the information in the bibliographic sources. The contraindication of the drug in breastfeeding was evaluated.Results:In five (55.5%) of the nine contraceptives, contraindications were found in the MPI. Among the bibliographic sources, the contraindication percentage ranged0 to 55.5%, depending on the source. For anti-infectives, the percentage was 46.3% in the MPI, ranging0 to 12.9% in the bibliographic sources.Conclusion:There is agreement between the MPI and the bibliographic sources regarding contraceptives; regarding anti-infectives, the MPI are contraindicated for use during breastfeeding more often.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Breast Feeding;medicine package s;drug utilization; contraceptives agents, anti-infective agents
Dal Pizzol, T.S., Pinto, A.N, Silveira, M.P.T, Caetano, M.C.C, Giugliani, C. Amamentação e utilização de medicamentos: qual a orientação presente nas bulas de anticoncepcionais e anti-infecciosos?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/set). [Citado em 19/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/amamentacao-e-utilizacao-de-medicamentos-qual-a-orientacao-presente-nas-bulas-de-anticoncepcionais-e-antiinfecciosos/17754?id=17754