0074/2020 - Análise Espacial dos Casos de COVID-19 e leitos de terapia intensiva no estado do Ceará, Brasil Spatial Analysis of COVID-19 cases and intensive care beds in the State of Ceará, Brazil
A distribuição geográfica da COVID-19 por meio de recursos de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica é pouco explorada. O objetivo foi analisar a distribuição de casos da COVID-19 e de leitos de terapia intensiva exclusivos para a doença no estado do Ceará, Brasil. Estudo ecológico, com distribuição geográfica do coeficiente de detecção de casos da doença em 184 municípios. Construíram-se mapas dos valores brutos e estimados (método bayesiano global e local), com cálculo do índice de Moran e utilização do BoxMap e MoranMap. Os leitos foram distribuídos por meio de pontos geolocalizados. Estudaram-se 3.000 casos e 459 leitos. As maiores taxas encontram-se na capital Fortaleza, região metropolitana (RM) e ao sul dessa região. Há autocorrelação espacial positiva na taxa bayesiana local (I=0,66). A distribuição dos leitos de terapia intensiva sobreposta ao BoxMap evidenciou aglomerados com padrão Alto-Alto apresentando número de leitos (capital, RM, porção noroeste); porém, há o mesmo padrão (extremo leste) e em áreas de transição com insuficiência de leito. O MoranMap evidenciou clusters estatisticamente significativos no estado. A interiorização da COVID-19 no Ceará demanda medidas de contingência voltadas à distribuição dos leitos de terapia intensiva específicos para casos de COVID19 para atender à demanda.
COVID-19; análise espacial; estudos ecológicos
The geographical distribution of COVID-19 through Geographic Information Systems resources is little explored. The objective was to analyze the distribution of COVID-19 cases and the exclusive intensive care beds in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Ecological study, with geographic distribution of the cases detection coefficient in 184 municipalities. Maps of gross and estimated values (global and local Bayesian method) were developed, the Moran index was calculated and BoxMap and MoranMap were used. Intensive care beds were distributed through geolocalized points. 3,000 cases and 459 beds were studied. The highest rates were found in the capital Fortaleza, metropolitan region (MR) and the south of this region. There is positive spatial autocorrelation in the local Bayesian rate (I = 0.66). The distribution of beds superimposed on the BoxMap shows clusters with a High-High number of beds pattern (capital, MR, northwest part); however, there is the same pattern (far east) or transition areas with insufficient bed. MoranMap shows clusters statistically significant in the state. The interiorization of COVID-19 in Ceará requires contingency measures related to the distribution of specific intensive care beds for COVID-19 cases in order to meet the demand.
Spatial Analysis of COVID-19 cases and intensive care beds in the State of Ceará, Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The geographical distribution of COVID-19 through Geographic Information Systems resources is little explored. The objective was to analyze the distribution of COVID-19 cases and the exclusive intensive care beds in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Ecological study, with geographic distribution of the cases detection coefficient in 184 municipalities. Maps of gross and estimated values (global and local Bayesian method) were developed, the Moran index was calculated and BoxMap and MoranMap were used. Intensive care beds were distributed through geolocalized points. 3,000 cases and 459 beds were studied. The highest rates were found in the capital Fortaleza, metropolitan region (MR) and the south of this region. There is positive spatial autocorrelation in the local Bayesian rate (I = 0.66). The distribution of beds superimposed on the BoxMap shows clusters with a High-High number of beds pattern (capital, MR, northwest part); however, there is the same pattern (far east) or transition areas with insufficient bed. MoranMap shows clusters statistically significant in the state. The interiorization of COVID-19 in Ceará requires contingency measures related to the distribution of specific intensive care beds for COVID-19 cases in order to meet the demand.
Pedrosa, N.L, Albuquerque, N.L.S. Análise Espacial dos Casos de COVID-19 e leitos de terapia intensiva no estado do Ceará, Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/abr). [Citado em 27/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/analise-espacial-dos-casos-de-covid19-e-leitos-de-terapia-intensiva-no-estado-do-ceara-brasil/17556?id=17556