0565/2016 - Assimetria e simetria de gênero na violência por parceiro íntimo em pesquisas realizadas no Brasil. Gender asymmetry and symmetry in intimate partner violence research conducted in Brazil.
• Thays Berger Conceição - Conceição, Thays Berger - Florianópolis, Santa catarina - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Saúde Pública - <thaysberger@gmail.com>
• Carolina Carvalho Bolsoni - Bolsoni , Carolina Carvalho - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Saúde Pública - <carolziinha.flor@gmail.com>
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a violência por parceiro íntimo a partir das concepções de simetria e assimetria de gênero. Foram selecionadas para análise 79 publicações, com maior predominância entre os anos de 2006 a 2014 (78,5%). As áreas de revistas que abordaram o tema foram a psicologia (32,9%) seguida pela saúde pública (27,9%) e enfermagem (27,6%). Dos pesquisadores, 46,8% trabalham com o discurso da linha teórica feminista, cuja abordagem de gênero é considerada assimétrica. Produzem em sua maioria pesquisas qualitativas com amostra composta apenas de mulheres (81,1%) e 78,3% coletaram os dados a partir dos serviços de apoio à vítima de violência. Quando se observam as características dos estudos realizados por pesquisadores da linha teórica dos sociólogos da família que defendem a simetria de gêneros (25,3%), as abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas foram utilizadas em semelhantes proporções. A violência bidirecional foi apontada em 80% destas pesquisas. Constatamos forte liderança da linha teórica feminista identificada nos discursos dos pesquisadores. Destaca-se a importância da discussão dos dados com diversos referenciais teóricos, pois a análise isolada, por qualquer que seja a área, corre o risco de ser tendenciosa e assim, fragilizar os resultados.
ViolênciaParceiro ÍntimoViolência contra a MulherViolência Doméstica
This study aims to analyze the intimate partner violencethe gender symmetry concepts and asymmetry. Were ed for analysis 79 publications, with a predominance between the years 2006 to 2014 (78.5%). The areas of magazines that addressed the subject was psychology (32.9%) followed by health (27.9%) and nursing (27.6%). Researchers, 46.8% work with the discourse of feminist theoretical line, whose gender approach is considered asymmetrical, produce mostly qualitative research with a sample of women only (81.1%) and 78.3% collected datasupport services to victims of violence. When we look at the characteristics of the studies conducted by researchersthe theoretical line of family sociologists who defend the symmetry of genres (25.3%), we observed that the qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in similar proportions. Bidirectional violence was identified in 80% of this research. We note that in both theoretical lines the choice of method, place of study and research subjects can influence the results obtained. We stress the importance of the discussion of the data with different theoretical frameworks, as the isolated analysis, whatever the area, runs the risk of being biased and thus weaken the results.
ViolenceIntimate PartnerViolence Against WomeDomestic Violence
Gender asymmetry and symmetry in intimate partner violence research conducted in Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aims to analyze the intimate partner violencethe gender symmetry concepts and asymmetry. Were ed for analysis 79 publications, with a predominance between the years 2006 to 2014 (78.5%). The areas of magazines that addressed the subject was psychology (32.9%) followed by health (27.9%) and nursing (27.6%). Researchers, 46.8% work with the discourse of feminist theoretical line, whose gender approach is considered asymmetrical, produce mostly qualitative research with a sample of women only (81.1%) and 78.3% collected datasupport services to victims of violence. When we look at the characteristics of the studies conducted by researchersthe theoretical line of family sociologists who defend the symmetry of genres (25.3%), we observed that the qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in similar proportions. Bidirectional violence was identified in 80% of this research. We note that in both theoretical lines the choice of method, place of study and research subjects can influence the results obtained. We stress the importance of the discussion of the data with different theoretical frameworks, as the isolated analysis, whatever the area, runs the risk of being biased and thus weaken the results.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
ViolenceIntimate PartnerViolence Against WomeDomestic Violence
Conceição, Thays Berger, Bolsoni , Carolina Carvalho, Lindner, S.R, Coelho, E. B. S.. Assimetria e simetria de gênero na violência por parceiro íntimo em pesquisas realizadas no Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/assimetria-e-simetria-de-genero-na-violencia-por-parceiro-intimo-em-pesquisas-realizadas-no-brasil/15991?id=15991