0349/2016 - Assistência Farmacêutica na Saúde Mental: um diagnóstico dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mental Health: a diagnosis of mental health services
O estudo avaliou as condições da Assistência Farmacêutica (AF) nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) por meio de um estudo transversal em 15 CAPS na região do Médio Paraopeba, Minas Gerais. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observação direta dos CAPS e entrevistas com farmacêuticos e gestores da AF. Os instrumentos foram baseados em indicadores propostos pela OMS, documentos técnicos para organização da AF, na legislação e recomendações que visam as Boas Práticas farmacêuticas. Foram identificadas 13 unidades de dispensação, sendo nove delas internas aos CAPS. Os serviços apresentaram listas de medicamentos essenciais atualizadas e alta disponibilidade dos principais medicamentos utilizados nos tratamentos da saúde mental. Todas as cidades participavam de um consórcio intermunicipal para aquisição de medicamentos. A identificação completa dos medicamentos estava presente em apenas sete serviços e todos apresentaram falhas na rastreabilidade dos medicamentos dispensados. Nos CAPS há apenas um profissional farmacêutico em parte do período de funcionamento e somente uma atividade direcionada aos pacientes sobre o uso de medicamentos. Verificou-se a necessidade de maior participação do farmacêutico no controle e padronização das atividades dos CAPS e principalmente nas atividades assistenciais compondo a equipe de referência em Saúde Mental.
Assistência FarmacêuticaSaúde MentalAvaliação de Serviços de Saúde
The study evaluated the conditions of Pharmaceutical Services in Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) through a cross-sectional study in 15 CAPS located in the Médio Paraopeba region, Minas Gerais. Data collection was conducted through direct observation of CAPS and interviews with pharmacists and managers of pharmaceutical services. The instruments were based on indicators proposed by WHO, technical documents for the organization of Pharmaceutical Services, in legislation and recommendations to the Good Pharmaceutical Practice. There was 13 dispensing units, nine of them internal to CAPS. The services presented lists of essential medicines updated and high availability of the main drugs used in the mental health treatments. All cities participating in a consortium for the purchase of medicines. The complete identification of drugs was present in only seven services and all had failures in traceability of dispensed medicines. In CAPS there is only one pharmacist in part of the operating period and only one activity directed to patients about medication use. It was observed need for greater participation of the pharmacist in control and standardization of activities of CAPS and especially in care activities for composing the reference staff in Mental Health.
Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mental Health: a diagnosis of mental health services
Resumo (abstract):
The study evaluated the conditions of Pharmaceutical Services in Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) through a cross-sectional study in 15 CAPS located in the Médio Paraopeba region, Minas Gerais. Data collection was conducted through direct observation of CAPS and interviews with pharmacists and managers of pharmaceutical services. The instruments were based on indicators proposed by WHO, technical documents for the organization of Pharmaceutical Services, in legislation and recommendations to the Good Pharmaceutical Practice. There was 13 dispensing units, nine of them internal to CAPS. The services presented lists of essential medicines updated and high availability of the main drugs used in the mental health treatments. All cities participating in a consortium for the purchase of medicines. The complete identification of drugs was present in only seven services and all had failures in traceability of dispensed medicines. In CAPS there is only one pharmacist in part of the operating period and only one activity directed to patients about medication use. It was observed need for greater participation of the pharmacist in control and standardization of activities of CAPS and especially in care activities for composing the reference staff in Mental Health.
Silva, S.N, Lima, M.G.. Assistência Farmacêutica na Saúde Mental: um diagnóstico dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jul). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/assistencia-farmaceutica-na-saude-mental-um-diagnostico-dos-centros-de-atencao-psicossocial/15775?id=15775&id=15775