0238/2016 - Avaliação dos serviços de acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes no Recife Evaluation of institutional childcare services for children and adolescents in Recife
• Maria Luiza Lopes Timóteo de Lima - Lima, Maria Luiza Lopes Timóteo de - Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães- Fiocruz, Saúde Pública - <mluizatimoteo@bol.com.br>
• Simone de Assis - de Assis, Simone - ENSP, CLAVES - <sgassis@globo.com>
Área Temática:
Ciências Sociais
Os acolhimentos institucionais integram os serviços de alta complexidade do Sistema Único de Assistência Social para proteção de crianças e adolescentes vítimas de abandono e/ou violência. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar estrutura e processo dos acolhimentos institucionais no Recife. Foi aplicado um questionário estruturado aos responsáveis pelos serviços. Foram calculadas as frequências das variáveis e estabelecida a seguinte classificação do grau de implantação: crítico, quando a adequação à norma preconizada for inferior a 40%; inadequado, de 40-59%; aceitável, de 60%-89% adequado e ótimo de 90-100%. Para análise qualitativa foram realizadas entrevistas com um gestor do poder judiciário e três do executivo. Das cinco instituições filantrópicas duas apresentaram estrutura padrão ótimo, duas aceitáveis e uma inadequada. Dentre as instituições públicas, uma municipal foi considerada inadequada e as demais aceitáveis. Com relação ao processo, uma instituição apresentou padrão ótimo e as outras aceitáveis. A análise de conteúdo permitiu observar que os maiores entraves para a realização das medidas previstas pelo Estatuto da Criança e de Adolescente decorrem do uso de drogas, distanciamento geográfico da família, falta de integração com outras instituições e rotatividade dos profissionais. Concluiu-se que a adequação às normas não necessariamente retrata qualidade do serviço.
AbrigoCriançaAdolescenteAvaliação Institucional
The care services for children and adolescents integrate the high complexity services of the Unified Social Assistance System for protection of children and adolescents who are victims of neglect and/or violence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the structure and process of care services for children and adolescents in Recife. A normative evaluation was carried out, in which those responsible for the care services answered a structured questionnaire. The frequency of variables was calculated and the following classification system adopted: critical degree of installation for a frequency of less than 40%; inadequate for 40-59%; acceptable for 60%-89%; and excellent for 90-100%. Interviews were also conducted with four managers of the judiciary and the executive and content analysis performed. It was found that two of the five philanthropic institutions investigated had an excellent standard structure; two were acceptable and one inadequate. Among public institutions, one municipal was considered inadequate and the others acceptable. Regarding the process, one institution was found to be excellent and the others acceptable. It was found that the greatest challenges to introduction of the measures envisaged in the Child and Adolescent Statute derive from the use of drugs, the geographical remoteness of families, lack of integration with other institutions and staff tur
Evaluation of institutional childcare services for children and adolescents in Recife
Resumo (abstract):
The care services for children and adolescents integrate the high complexity services of the Unified Social Assistance System for protection of children and adolescents who are victims of neglect and/or violence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the structure and process of care services for children and adolescents in Recife. A normative evaluation was carried out, in which those responsible for the care services answered a structured questionnaire. The frequency of variables was calculated and the following classification system adopted: critical degree of installation for a frequency of less than 40%; inadequate for 40-59%; acceptable for 60%-89%; and excellent for 90-100%. Interviews were also conducted with four managers of the judiciary and the executive and content analysis performed. It was found that two of the five philanthropic institutions investigated had an excellent standard structure; two were acceptable and one inadequate. Among public institutions, one municipal was considered inadequate and the others acceptable. Regarding the process, one institution was found to be excellent and the others acceptable. It was found that the greatest challenges to introduction of the measures envisaged in the Child and Adolescent Statute derive from the use of drugs, the geographical remoteness of families, lack of integration with other institutions and staff tur
Acioli, R.M.L, Barreira, A. K., Lima, M.L.C., Lima, Maria Luiza Lopes Timóteo de, de Assis, Simone. Avaliação dos serviços de acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes no Recife. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mai). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/avaliacao-dos-servicos-de-acolhimento-institucional-de-criancas-e-adolescentes-no-recife/15663?id=15663