0155/2016 - Colaboração Interprofissional no Projeto Saúde e Prevenção na Escola Interprofessional collaboration in the Health and Prevention in Schools Project
Área Temática:
Não Categorizado
A colaboração interprofissional sugere compartilhamento de ação orientada por objetivos comuns. Analisá-la no Projeto Saúde e Prevenção na Escola (PSPE) enquanto dispositivo da promoção da saúde é relevante pelo estímulo à responsabilidade partilhada e à intersetorialidade, valor e princípio da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS). Estudo de caso realizado em uma cidade de médio porte, no Nordeste brasileiro, cujas fontes foram documentos e questionários aplicados a participantes, subsidiado pelo Modelo de Colaboração interprofissional de D’Amour et al. (2008). Com base nas dimensões e indicadores avaliados, identificou-se que os articuladores do PSPE orientam-se por objetivos comuns; o planejamento das ações não se orienta pelas necessidades dos escolares; existem poucas oportunidades para que os integrantes interajam; evidencia-se confiança na capacidade dos outros em assumirem responsabilidades; a infraestrutura não é usada adequadamente; a liderança é pouco impactante; existem processos de capacitação para os integrantes; os encontros dos integrantes do PSPE priorizam discussões específicas e os acordos formais estão em processos de negociação. Resultados que expressam um nível de colaboração interprofissional do tipo “em desenvolvimento”, a qual não está com as raízes fincadas nas culturas organizacionais e estão sujeitas à reavaliação.
Comportamento cooperativo
Saúde Escolar
Ação Intersetorial
Promoção da saúde
Interprofessional collaboration suggests action oriented sharing for common goals. This is analyzed in the Health and Prevention in Schools (HPSP) project as a health promotion device, relevant through encouraging shared and intersectoral responsibility, value and principle of the National Policy for Health Promotion (NPHP). This was a case study conducted in a medium-sized city, in northeastern Brazil, in which sources were documents and questionnaires applied to participants, subsidized by the Interprofessional Collaboration Model by D’Amour et al. (2008). Based on the dimensions and indicators assessed, we identified that the organizers of the HPSP are guided by common goals; planning of actions is not guided by the needs of students; there are few opportunities for members to interact; there is evidence of confidence in the ability of others to take on responsibilities; infrastructure is not used properly; leadership has little impact; there are training processes for members; meetings for HPSP members that prioritize specific discussions and formal agreements are in negotiation process. Results expressing an interprofessional collaborative level are “developing”, one which is not rooted on organizational cultures and subject to revaluation.
Cooperative Behavior
School Health
Intersectoral Action
Health Promotion
Interprofessional collaboration in the Health and Prevention in Schools Project
Resumo (abstract):
Interprofessional collaboration suggests action oriented sharing for common goals. This is analyzed in the Health and Prevention in Schools (HPSP) project as a health promotion device, relevant through encouraging shared and intersectoral responsibility, value and principle of the National Policy for Health Promotion (NPHP). This was a case study conducted in a medium-sized city, in northeastern Brazil, in which sources were documents and questionnaires applied to participants, subsidized by the Interprofessional Collaboration Model by D’Amour et al. (2008). Based on the dimensions and indicators assessed, we identified that the organizers of the HPSP are guided by common goals; planning of actions is not guided by the needs of students; there are few opportunities for members to interact; there is evidence of confidence in the ability of others to take on responsibilities; infrastructure is not used properly; leadership has little impact; there are training processes for members; meetings for HPSP members that prioritize specific discussions and formal agreements are in negotiation process. Results expressing an interprofessional collaborative level are “developing”, one which is not rooted on organizational cultures and subject to revaluation.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Cooperative Behavior
School Health
Intersectoral Action
Health Promotion
Dias, M. S. A, Machado, M.F.A.S., Vasconcelos, M.I.O, Silva, L.C.C, VIEIRA, FRANCISCA MARIA. Colaboração Interprofissional no Projeto Saúde e Prevenção na Escola. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/abr). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/colaboracao-interprofissional-no-projeto-saude-e-prevencao-na-escola/15579?id=15579